Sick or injured pullet/hen!

Mckayla Dawson

Oct 13, 2024
I have no idea what is wrong with my girl! Every new chicken owner here, this is our first issue so far.

I found her in the coop this morning on the floor laying on her side and everyone was outside. She was peeping & sad. Picked her up to inspect her, no visual injuries/deformations/fluids or blood… held her up, and her one wing falls down to the side while her other stays tucked up.

Took her to the run for food & water, didn’t seem interested but would eat some fresh zucchini. Put her on the ground and she gets around okay until her wing falls down and trips her. Left her be for a while and came back to her hiding in the corer laying on top of her injured wing peeping and sad again.

I stood her up and inspected again to see if I missed anything, all the same. Stood her on her feet and she slowly tipped forward, toward her injured side untill she fell over. Seems sleepy/lethargic ?

What do I do!?!?!
June 5th hatch. Not sure of breed.
Attaching pics although they don’t stow the droopy wing well. As soon as the wing drops, she falls over.


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I wonder if she hurt her wing somehow? Could you bring her in where it's warm (in case it's cold there) and look her over to see if you can see anything? If she's hurt, she should be better off not moving around too much.

If you have any Poultry Cell or Nutra-Drench vitamins, I'd give her some of those in her water.
Welcome to BYC. Do you have food and water in a couple of locations so they all can get a chance to eat? Does the wing seem broken? You could loosely wrap her wing to her body in a normal position with her good wing left out, with vet wrap or Kling bandage, to see if it helps her balance. At her age Mareks comes to mind, but injuries or the rooster being rough on her might be a possibility. What state are you in? I would offer some human vitamin BComplex 1/2 tablet daily and 1 human vitamin E softgel in case of neurological problem or deficiency. A small bit of cooked egg for selenium would help with vitamin uptake.

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