Silkie thread!

Thanks someone told me to also massage the chicks neck 4 times a day and give mashed egg as it is sounds like vitamin deficiency.

If your chick has the early signs of wryneck , known as ataxia, all the massage in the world will have little or no impact. Thiamine deficiency needs to be addressed by supplementing the diet. Once you have started a good poultry vitamin you should look at what you are feeding .
If your chick has the early signs of wryneck , known as ataxia, all the massage in the world will have little or no impact. Thiamine deficiency needs to be addressed by supplementing the diet. Once you have started a good poultry vitamin you should look at what you are feeding .

I feed them a good grower mash that has all the needed vitamins and greens on a daily basis. I got a good vitamin supplement that I will add to the water and feed it to the chick with a syringe. I did notice it is a picky eater could be why it is the only one that has got it.
Along the line of vitamins, what do you guys think of rooster booster? I don't hear a lot about it so I was wondering if anybody had an opinion.
Hmmm... Because I bought poly-Vi-Sol, but noticed it had iron in it, so no good. Rooster booster was the only other thing I could find.

Its supossed to be a good brand, and if their supplements are anything like the wormer, they'l be fantastic. Rooster booster freed my flock from worms in about 4 days.
Oh! That's awesome! I didn't know about the wormer. I'll have to get some.
I'ts great! The only common worm it doesn't cover is gape worm, but it covers round worm, ceacal worm, and capilliary worms. It is very efecctive and easy to do. (dump pellets into 50 lb bag of feed, ypu treat them for 1 week so that only works if you have 30-35 chickens) if you want to you can figure out the dosage for each individual bird, but I don't remember it now as this was last spring and I didn't write it down.
Dear Booger, please, please don't be a roo!



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