Silkie thread!






This is the chick with the problem, 5 weeks old





This is the chick with the problem, 5 weeks old
Definitely looks like the start of wry neck. I use the rooster booster most of the time in my waterers. Only ever had one chick with wry neck, it was a shipped chick. I didn't know how to treat it at the time, so I put it down. Go to illness & injuries on the site & you will be able to find out a lot of helpful information on it. Best of luck with your baby.
Definitely looks like the start of wry neck. I use the rooster booster most of the time in my waterers. Only ever had one chick with wry neck, it was a shipped chick. I didn't know how to treat it at the time, so I put it down. Go to illness & injuries on the site & you will be able to find out a lot of helpful information on it. Best of luck with your baby.

I bought this chick from another breeder he/she is so sweet. It is eating and drinking on its own and I give it vitamins through a syringe, its doing much better. Thanks for all the advice its the first time I have ever had a chick like this. Its like you said @ChickenLady2014 if I did not ask on this site I would have probably put it down as well. At least I know it has got a chance to recover from this, just wish I picked it up earlier.
Who old is a silkie before they lay there first egg n how many eggs before they go broody
none of my Silkies laid before 6 mths of age, I had some go broody almost right away, some waited a mth or so, some were a yr before they went broody. but once they start........... O boy look out, I've been trying to break one all week and now I have another starting

Empty nest: they'll go broody
1 egg: they'll go broody
2 eggs: they'll go broody
4 eggs: they'll go broody
20 eggs: they'll go broody.
Basically, silkies don't need an excuse to go broody.

I'd start looking for eggs around 6 months. It's slightly different with each individual bird, but 6 months is about average I think.
yep yep yeppers

She just laid an egg n not sitting on them I hope a hen goes broody soon since there 14 eggs now
how long have the eggs been there? I would start marking them with the date and if any get older then 7 days I would pitch them, the chances of hatching start to go down after that. IMO. Good luck

Always the way , we have 12 boxes in one of our main coops and the hens line up waiting for one box. Sometimes I can hear the commotion from the farmhouse, one of the girls screams like a banshee .
If you are going to let any of them brood, provided they are fertile eggs, it is best to block the hen that is sitting off from the others. Otherwise they will continue to climb in and lay behind her and then you will have eggs at various stages of development , otherwise known as a ' staggered hatch ' and that rarely ends well .
yep we have 6 boxes and 2 get used. We used to have 12 but to save space we got rid of the bottom row. and we have 24 hens in that house.

Hello Everyone! I wanted to share a picture of my silkie Ryder. What color would you consider her to be? Thanks in advanced!

Partridge. I have 1 also.

I'm brooding a friend's silkie chick with my marans. Both of this little chicks parents were black. Even the breeder she got it from was surprised to see it hatch as all the rest were black obviously. Does this mean that maybe there was a cross somewhere down the line and the recessive gene popped up this time? I'm curious to see what color it grows up to be.....

My splash chicks look like that, so maybe ....

Hmmm... Because I bought poly-Vi-Sol, but noticed it had iron in it, so no good. Rooster booster was the only other thing I could find.
they do make that with-out Iron. and it is great stuff had to use it myself before.

I bought this chick from another breeder he/she is so sweet. It is eating and drinking on its own and I give it vitamins through a syringe, its doing much better. Thanks for all the advice its the first time I have ever had a chick like this. Its like you said @ChickenLady2014 if I did not ask on this site I would have probably put it down as well. At least I know it has got a chance to recover from this, just wish I picked it up earlier.
Glad to hear it is doing better, I hate loosing chicks.
Definitely looks like the start of wry neck. I use the rooster booster most of the time in my waterers. Only ever had one chick with wry neck, it was a shipped chick. I didn't know how to treat it at the time, so I put it down. Go to illness

I bought this chick from another breeder he/she is so sweet.  It is eating and drinking on its own and I give it vitamins through a syringe, its doing much better.  Thanks for all the advice its the first time I have ever had a chick like this.  Its like you said @ChickenLady2014
 if I did not ask on this site I would have probably put it down as well.  At least I know it has got a chance to recover from this, just wish I picked it up earlier.
So glad your little one is doing a bit better & thankly this site is so helpful. Best of luck with your baby

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