Sudden Dead chicken warning pictures included


Sep 11, 2023
Southeastern US
I counted my hens this morning and came up one short. In a panic, I ran into the run to look for her. There was a spot that looked like it had been dug. I put it in the pictures. It seems like it was dug out from the inside I went to fill it thinking maybe a predator had gotten her and pulled her out even though there wasn’t a big enough hole on the outside for that to happen and when I put my shovel in there to clear out the hay, I found the dead chicken in the hole. I called all of the numbers, the wildlife commission, the agriculture department and everyone told me that they didn’t need a report, but I wanna be sure I included pictures. My grandparents think that she dug her way down and got stuck and rung her own neck trying to get out. I just wanna be sure because the vet isn’t open until Tuesday and I don’t wanna leave a dead bird in the yard if I don’t need to save it for testing or necropsy, I am in the southeast of the United States in the Florida region. Please let me know what you think. None of my other hands show any sign of illness or distress there’s no coughing no bubbles no crusty eyes. Everybody has a healthy appetite.


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I think your grandparents have a petty good guess. If you want to be sure, you need to keep her body chilled, not frozen, pack her up in a Styrofoam cooler with ice packs, and get her sent off asap. Your vet may do it, or tell you where to send her. Honestly, from your description, it sounds like a predator or accident situation to me.
I think your grandparents have a petty good guess. If you want to be sure, you need to keep her body chilled, not frozen, pack her up in a Styrofoam cooler with ice packs, and get her sent off asap. Your vet may do it, or tell you where to send her. Honestly, from your description, it sounds like a predator or accident situation to me.
Thank you for your quick response. I found her in the hole like she was digging out. I mentioned in my next comment I don’t know when she passed. Is it too late to chill the body?

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