
Okay guys! Good news! Blue is doing finde post op and managed to come home toda as well. He's got nine stitches in the incision site, youch. I was told to keep him active but within his limits, and he has to wear the cone of shame. WOO BLUE.

Also, I received word that my shipment has shipped from Ideal poultry. I've placed so many orders in the past three months for other people, including myself, I have no idea which one it is. Who wants to take bets?

1. Silver Spangled Hamburgs for my dad
2. Production Red pullets for myself.
3. Easter Eggers and Pekin ducks for someone at work.
4. Guineas, for myself.

I guess I will know when they show up at my door.
Are the hawks in SE Texas (Tomball area) seasonal?
I haven’t seen any for the last 2 weeks and had been seeing them on a daily basis for the last few months.
I hope they are gone for a while my birds want to go out and run free.
They are getting cranky in their run of 25’x40’
I DO think they migrate through .. but I see hawks all year 'round.

Lost a rooster to one last week.
I haven't seen any hawks in El Paso but I'm sure they are around. I like to let my chicks run around my backyard since I have a super tall solid fence but now I'm freaked out about a hawk swooping down and snatching one. Is there any sort of hawk deterrent?
Chick days (at TSC) are upon us! And as the only poultry keeper on staff, I'm stuck with all the questions. I thought ya'll might like to know the event has started, and if you live near Huntsville stop in and see me!

also, on the hawk question... I have some that stay by my house year round.
Colie <3 :

I haven't seen any hawks in El Paso but I'm sure they are around. I like to let my chicks run around my backyard since I have a super tall solid fence but now I'm freaked out about a hawk swooping down and snatching one. Is there any sort of hawk deterrent?

I had a part pry female who was VERY good at alerting on hawk...........alas I lost her.

Now I have a full pry, 16 months, but he doesn't seem to be very interested in what's going on in the sky. But he's very good with coyote control!!!
I've started using bird netting......stretching it over my chicken yard.
In the afternoons, when I let my flock free range, I stay out with them and keep watch.
Good luck.......also, you might want to check out the predators thread here at BYC.........lots of advice & experience.

My new pry pup (13 weeks old) just brought her full water bowl into the living room....... now I have a trail of water to clean up.....BOY, that'll teach me to let her into the house when she's full of play & energy!!! LOL​
Pry? Like great pyrenees?

This is my husky/Great Pyrenees mix his name is Texas. I named him that when I lived in Kentucky LOL then I moved to Texas! Didn't see that one coming. Anyhow he thinks chickens are squeaky toys
working on that though...
Giant Pics sorry


We had a hawk attack when the peeps were free ranging on Christmas day. I've just now started letting them back out to free range. I have noticed they tend to free range in areas with more cover now, and I haven't seem them venture any where close to where the attack occurred.

I have entertained the thought of getting a flock guardian so I can leave the chickens out free ranging during the day while I'm at work, but I just hate leaving a dog outside in the oppressive East Texas summers.

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