That's it... I have a confession to make.

I am totally head over heals in love with my chickens. Today there were 45-50 people at my house for a wonderful young man who got his Eagle Scout award. That is one of the highest attained goals for a Boy Scout for those who don't know.

He asked if he could have the ceremony at my house. Sure, no problem. Well, the ceremony was at 10:30am. Uh Oh, prime time for laying and proud, loud, clucking. Yep, sure enough, as if on cue, Hazel layed an egg and was quite loud.... during an invocation.
Swell,... I jumped up and ran over to go to my chickens and get them quiet. Someone asked my mom, "How can you tell a chicken to be quiet?" My mom said, "if anyone can, she can, you'll see". Well, I called them over and all 12 chickens followed me around the corner out of sight and were quiet. Quite impressive to onlookers in white chairs on the lawn...... Well, BYC'ers... I fed them "chicken crack"......: scratch.
Quiet as little church mice, my chickens behaved admirably.

By the way, other than the wonderful country atmosphere, and food, the chickens were a hit!!

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Me too Cyn! It's amazing how those crazy birds of ours can provide so much comfort, isn't it?
I love it Ellie! What good chickens you have!

Congrats to the young man on getting his Eagle Scout! That's a huge accomplishment!
Yes, absolutely. wolfbaine30 was here to get a bird from me and he was amazed at how my black Ameraucana, Gypsy, pulled on Tom's pants to be picked up and held. When he wouldn't pay attention to her, I bent down, held out my hands and said, "Come here, Gypsy." She was happy for me to pick her up and she holds very still for it. She's the biggest baby we have, besides her mama, Charlotte.
Well, since everyone already knows I'm nuts, I'll join this confessional. I LOVE MY CHICKENS TOO!
Mine love me back in their own little ways.

All of my mature birds are named and I address them by their name whenever I am out with them. My roos know exactly who I'm talking to and if I'm in a good mood or a bad mood. I yelled at Lucas today for jumping at the fence and Rocky and Buddy knew it was bad and yelled at him right along with me. LOL It was full alert and they were telling him "mom's mad and you better be good".

Big Mama follows me everywhere. She loves snuggles and anyone who has been to my farm knows her. She will tug on your pants leg until you pick her up or at the very least pet her and pay her some attention. Nope, I don't carry food with me either. They want ME and my lovin'. Peachy is my favorite girl and she likes to snuggle on my lap and get hugs. She will complain very vocally until I squat down so she can hop on my lap. And if I am holding someone else, she gets very upset and vocal about it.

My broody hen chases me around with her crazy cluckiness and drops her wings as to tell me, she's having a bad day and needs some eggs. This is a new experience for me, but it is as if she is asking me to help her with this problem. Maybe it's a temper tantrum..hmmm..not sure.

My araucana flock look at me with those beautiful eyes and love when I talk to them. Almost like they are listening to a story with interest. They love to hear my tales of the day and I try to listen to their "stories" too.

Yup, I'm a crazy chicken lady and talk to my birds and enjoy them and spoil them rotten. I can't imagine life without them.

Because they aren't smart enough to remember who you are.

That's one thing that I don't like about chickens, they aren't like dgos, they dont' remember things such as commands, they don't show affection unless you are feeding them, they don't know wyou like a dog, they can't tell you things.

Congrats. gumpy.

I disagree. I go out in the morning with my coffee and hang out for an hour. They all say hello in their own way, a few like to sit on me, one likes to peck my clothes a few times, the roos come over and give stinkeye. I never bring food out in the morning. No they are not dogs. They are chickens
Whatever floats your boat! Just feel better soon. Hey, I'm a grumpy Gus at times myself, at least till one of my girls wants to be held.


Thanks I will feel better tommorow.

BTW, water floats my boat.
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Because they aren't smart enough to remember who you are.

That's one thing that I don't like about chickens, they aren't like dgos, they dont' remember things such as commands, they don't show affection unless you are feeding them, they don't know wyou like a dog, they can't tell you things.

Congrats. gumpy.

I think you forgot to put the r in gumpy, it should be grumpy.
Maybe you need a nap

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