That's it... I have a confession to make.

I bet there'd be no more war if every one loved chickens or ducks or geese or a favorite bird flock...
That is SO true. Isn't it sad that we, a supposed "higher species" can't be the same way with the people around us?

I think animals were put here on this earth to teach us things like that.
Because they aren't smart enough to remember who you are.

That's one thing that I don't like about chickens, they aren't like dgos, they dont' remember things such as commands, they don't show affection unless you are feeding them, they don't know wyou like a dog, they can't tell you things.

Congrats. gumpy.

In one of my coop,s i had a 2month old hen that had something in it's eye the size of a marble. I brought the hen inside and after a couple a days was able to to dislodge whatatever was in the eye. The baby hen stayed in the house for a couple of day's before returing to her coop. This was just last week. Now everytime I go out to feed them or just have a visit the one hen I helped stay's close to me and want's to be picked up even if I just gave them food. She will not start to eat until I leave the coop. I alway's talk for the girl "yeah that's my mama and she fixed my hurt eye." "That's my mama." My chicken's are sweater to me than my dog's. lol Quilty-Luv my chicken's. PEACE- SARA
Now this is just not true.

1. The gurus of clicker training, the Brelands and the Baileys, used CHICKENS as their models because they were so GOOD at learning.

2. Many chickens show affection with or without feeding. My late lamented bantam araucana, Priscilla, would forego the treats I brought into the pen in order to fly onto my shoulder or lap to get attention.

3. Chickens have a vast vocabulary of different sounds, each with their own meanings. You just need to listen to what they're telling you!
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Now this is just not true.

1. The gurus of clicker training, the Brelands and the Baileys, used CHICKENS as their models because they were so GOOD at learning.

2. Many chickens show affection with or without feeding. My late lamented bantam araucana, Priscilla, would forego the treats I brought into the pen in order to fly onto my shoulder or lap to get attention.

3. Chickens have a vast vocabulary of different sounds, each with their own meanings. You just need to listen to what they're telling you!

So is this the official "poop" on ticks thread?

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