~The Battle of the Empires~ A RP

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"The Darshati girl."  She smirked. "I can't lie."


Ises, Iolaus, and I are heading back.. are you coming?"  Thelma half offered half insisted.


"Do you have the pictures of the enemy I am to protect your wife from?  If I need I can Copy her and lead her men astray if they come."  Alala suggested. 


"Have you had a chance to consider the um.. necklace." She gestured for a voice device for Nali.


Angelica looked down. "I am honored... Sire. And please be careful.... my father says there has been  a lot of trouble about."  Her eyes met his with a hint of sadness. "Goodbye."
0-0 "oh..."


she looked at her "..yes."

"yes. I'll get you one."


"oh yes I have! I have a few styles you two can choose from.


"yes there is."
Quote: "Do you wish to stay?" Krits asked kindly. "I can also connect you with Crut.. but it may distract him."


"Will you wait by the comm?" Kendra touched Moro's arm as she headed for the door.


"It's alright.. I have someone to hold you. Pink you can quiet her you know. By the way before you pass judgement I would not have rushed this had it not been for the fact that someone is attacking Oracles.. I am in the process of a rescue attempt. And if they go.. you die and you know it. Besides we all wasted our chance for freedom when you got selected to go to earth and screwed it up.. so no grudges against me sister.


Barron showed up just before she finished the dishes. *knock*
"Do you wish to stay?"  Krits asked kindly.  "I can also connect you with Crut.. but it may distract him."


"Will you wait by the comm?"  Kendra touched Moro's arm as she headed for the door.


"It's alright.. I have someone to hold you. Pink you can quiet her you know.  By the way before you pass judgement I would not have rushed this had it not been for the fact that someone is attacking Oracles.. I am in the process of a rescue attempt.  And if they go.. you die and you know it. Besides we all wasted our chance for freedom when you got selected to go to earth and screwed it up.. so no grudges against me sister.


Barron showed up just before she finished the dishes. *knock*
"I would like to stay yes... but leave crut out of this for now." she said softly.




"child want her mother and nothing will be able to change that." she retorted.


"j7st a sec! she finished thd last fe and got the door "hhmm.. your fan group one short."
eros softly laughed

dez waant far off.


"... no." she said softly.
she frozed not expecting the hug


"I wont I would be s fool to do so."
"Well as long as daddy isn't left out I guess I can deal with it." He winked at her. "Ready for house shopping? Or do you need another few days?"


The foals started to try and get him to play Rearing up and kicking at him.


"Well. When you feel better maybe we can play in a training room. It might be a good one.. You could possibly better defend yourself." He took her hand again.


"This is meant to comfort you.. and means that I feel for you." Illa told her backing away with an understanding smile.


"You don't strike me as having a shred of foolishness in you." Elamoira winked.
Darin came in once he was notified. "Hey Em... how do you feel?" He asked.


"I guess I did get bitten." He rubbed his face again.


"Of course.. we are honored to be of assistance. Please do what you need to fix your vessel We have engineers that might be able to assist you as well. " He waved to a long Moby that if standing on his hind legs could reach half way up their ship. And a few Kohls.


"See you in a few days." Morella smiled.
"Well as long as daddy isn't left out I guess I can deal with it." He winked at her.  "Ready for house shopping? Or do you need another few days?"


The foals started to try and get him to play Rearing up and kicking at him.


"Well. When you feel better maybe we can play in a training room.  It might be a good one.. You could possibly better defend yourself."  He took her hand again.


"This is meant to comfort you.. and means that I feel for you."  Illa told her backing away with an understanding smile.


"You don't strike me as having a  shred of foolishness in you."  Elamoira winked.
"wait a few more days." she sighed.


he hightailed out of there.


"okay... thank you."


"oh... thank you."


"thanks." he laughed.
Darin came in once he was notified. "Hey Em... how do you feel?"  He asked.


"I guess I did get bitten."  He rubbed his face again.


"Of course.. we are honored to be of assistance. Please do what you need to fix your vessel We have engineers that might be able to assist you as well. "  He waved to a long Moby that if standing on his hind legs could reach half way up their ship. And a few Kohls.


"See you in a few days."  Morella smiled.


"yup. one on your behind" :D


"okay thank you."


Quote: Ellendiel snickered. "Can I have a meal? I haven't had much food lately." She folded her hands.


Thelma took her wrist. "Come.. then quickly." She walked along. She saw Iolaus. "Time to go dear."


"Thank you K'Ten." Alala nodded.


"Really!?" Malinda lit up. "Lets try them on once you have time." She grinned.


He mother bid her follow from behind her. Angelica bowed then turned to leave. She did glance back at him and then met with her mother.
Kaliska studied her baby's face. "Maybe something more masculine. I think he's gonna look like you." she smiled at Brenk.

"So should I yell that now?" Barrett asked.

Hannah leaned back against a couch, holding the smallest chick of the bunch. She crooned softly to it, while it buried itself in her palm. (I love when they do that.)

Jesslyn gave him a friendly smile, "Nice to meet you too."

"I'm still working it out.." Jasmine waved him away with a hand. "I'm not entirely sure how it's gonna work, but it WILL work." she smiled again at Ferris. "Don't worry though."

Braxton smiled at her, and all of his confusion fell away. He realized, he did love Lana.

Chester hugged Lexus, and kissed her cheek. "Oo! This is the best part!" he nearly squealed as the scene in the movie changed.
"Maybe... they are both good lookin." He smiled proudly. "Ronin?"


"Yes.. after we crawl out of here." She stood up and worked her way up the rock.


(lol yeah or when the crawl up to your neck and try ti burrow there :p Little fluffballs)

Noonan looked over. "Can I hold one?"


"K everybody have a seat.. got plenty of bales to sit on.. I got the goodies here." Thrain pointed to a pile of roasting sticks and, the marshmallows, and other food supplies. He smiled at Jesslyn.


"Okay.. but I think if they want to they can work it out." He chuckled.


"I hope I fed the cow enough earlier. I gave her a big pile because I wasn't certain." She informed as they neared the farm house.


She startled then lightly smacked his arm. "Daddy you are so funny." She softly giggled.
"Oh I like that name.." Kaliska nodded, and kissed Ronin's cheek. He squirmed, and made a soft sound.

Barrett vaulted up on top, crouched and looked around, then jumped off. He was feeling very intense in this game of hide and go seek. Then he olly olly oxen free, and turned to smile at Myrna.
(Uh huh! So cute!)

Hannah looked up, slightly surprised. "Of course." she gave him a small smile.

Jesslyn smiled back, then moved out of the way for a older colt. The foals came behind him, and all grabbed sticks. Jesslyn sat down and waited for them to be done.

"Ha. Ha. No." Jasmine folded her arms again. "Not happening. Dad is too nice to say no. He'll just put up with it, and Lana might get an idea in her head that somethin's going on between them." her brows furrowed. "Nope. Not happening on my watch."

"That's good. Thanks Lana." Braxton thanked her, and then they boarded the shuttle. "Hm, haven't ridden one of these in awhile."

Chester grinned at her, and watched his movie. Once the scene was over he blew out a sigh and turned to her. "How are you feeling?" he asked her.

"I can't get over how tiny they are." he smiled. "And our little girl?"


Myrna took his hand and then ran with him back to the stump.

The girl that was it started counting.

Myrna looked around for a direction to go.


Noonan returned her smile then took a green chick and cuddled with it.

(I know.. makes me want to hatch more :p I might just do that lol)


Ferris covered a snicker and turned his head away trying not to bust up laughing.


"Yeah.. you must not get away much." She took a seat. "I admit I was in the same boat until I had to come to the hospital to see you."


Lexus stared at the floor a while. "Broken.... but happy I chose not to give you up and run away with him."
Kaliska smiled. "Maybe Annabelle? I've always liked that name."

Barrett spotted a good hiding place in a clump of dense bushes, and gently took Myrna's upper arm. He hurried them over and jumped behind it.

"That's Daisy." Hannah told him.

(Sometimes I am soooo tempted.)

Jesslyn then reached for a stick and carefully slid a marshmallow on it.

Jasmine started giggling.

"I didn't.... but now I guess we both will." Braxton smiled at Lana.

Chester's face saddened. "I'm sorry Lexi." he put his arm around her. "Someday, you'll meet some stallion who'll treat you right. Who'll treat you like a mare's s'pposed to be treated; with respect." he told her.

"Anna.. I like that.. Ronin and Anna." he kissed Kalska's cheek,


Myrna snuggled close to him as they waited.


"Ah.. Daisy nice to meet you." He chuckled.

(I know... :p)


Thrain almost copied,then took a seat next to Jesslyn. "SO do you like your lightly toasted or fire crisped?"


"You are too cute Jaz." Ferris chuckled.


"I shuld show you that nice soup restaurant we went to.. you know the one I brought back for you in the bread bowl? That would be a nice outing." She suggested.

The shuttle landed.


Lexus started crying onto Chester's shoulder. "I gave him my heart.. and it hurts... I wish it would just go away... make it go away daddy."

(okay my eyes are getting glassy)
Kaliska hugged him with one arm. "Brenk, Kaliska, Ronin and Anna." she sighed happily.

Barrett peeked through the leaves, waiting to see the girl who had counted.

Hannah just watched, a small smile on her lips.


A small washed over Jesslyn's face. "I'll show you how I like mine." she extended the stick toward the fire, letting the marshmallow become engulfed in the flames. The sky was faded to a dusky black now. Jesslyn yanked the stick backwards when the marshmallow caught fire. She blew it out, waited until it was cool to touch, and pulled off the outside blackened skin, then put it in her mouth. The marshmallow was a gooey white. "Soooo good."

Jasmine turned slightly pink, and grinned. "Thanks. You aren't too bad yourself."

Braxton smiled. "That would be really nice." he nodded.

Chester only held her, not saying a word.

"A whole family." He stoked his tiny babes.


I was a while before she passed their direction. She listened carefully as she snooped around.

*tiny snore*


"You are a cute little fluff ball." Noonan nuzzled the chick. "Too bad you won't be like this forever."


"My kinda mare.." He did the same with his then stuck it back in and laughed. "It's the best."


"WHy thank you dear." Ferris made his girly voice and bat his eyes.


They were almost home. "Oh.. I wish this wasn't so far sometimes." Lana finally complained.


Lexus cried herself to sleep snuggling with him.
Kaliska smiled. (Timeskip a little later?)

Barrett elbowed Myrna sharply, but gently. He put a finger to his lips, telling her to be quiet.

"Well when they grow, you get eggs." Hannah smiled. "Mmm.. fresh eggs."

"Yup.. that's why I do it." Jesslyn chuckled, though her mouth was full. She put a hand over her mouth while she chewed, and stuck in a new marshmallow.

Jasmine nodded politely. "Of course dearie."

"Almost home." Braxton let her lean against him, as they headed up the dirt road. Soon, he opened the door for her, and ushered her inside.

Chester turned the movie down a little, so it wouldn't bother her. He was deep in thought, and very troubled.


Malanie held her grandaughter baby talking.

Brenk was making breakfast while Kaliska got to rest in his favorite chair.


Myrna was embarrassed. The girl walked right by them.. Once down a way Myrna prepared to bolt for the safe.


"I like that.." Noonan smiled. "Do you like Pan bread?" (pizza)


"You seem happy, it looks good on you." He grinned.


"Jaz.... when we get to go back home.. I would like you to talk to your father about your feelings about.. us." He wanted Braxton's permission to court her.


"Oh.. she went for the couch first. "Oh that's better." She rested. "I need to get this brace off. It feels so tight." She fiddled to unlatch the thing. "Thank you my gentleman for helping me all this way back." She smiled at Braxton.



Lexus had the tests done then just ran to her room after. (name name name) Marriane the invetigations offcier set down Lexus' bag on the table. "Chester can I see you a moment?"
Kaliska held Ronin, wrapped in soft baby blankets. Her head nodded, though she tried to stay awake.

Barrett looked at her, met her eyes and grinned. With a blink, he set off sprinting, telling her to follow with a wave of his hand.

"I've never had that before.." Hannah shrugged. "But I like lots of different foods." she looked down at the chick.

"I am happy." Jesslyn said, watching her marshmallow burst into flames. "And I like it. I'm feeling normal again... thanks to you." she looked at him and smiled again.

"O-ok.." Jasmine's brows curled up in slight confusion. "But... what do you mean.. 'feelings for us'?" she asked.

Braxton was heating hot water for tea. "No problem." he smiled.

Chester was going to go to Lexi, but then stepped forward when Marrian called him. He looked worried. "Yes?"
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