The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

Where did all the Avatars go?

And no I didnot turn them off.

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Sometimes i click on a page and those things on the side are gone and i have a whole full page of the thread and then when I get back on the next one i am back to half a page.. It will take me some time to figure this all out as I am not as computer savy as you young ones.
The slowness is a known issue. The issue with the auctions was known that it would happen (auctions disappearing) and was in the announcement before the change.

I'm using Firefox though and I am having no issues with scrolling at all. Nor is the speed a problem. Maybe I'm just lucky?
So far Im not having any problems with it, just the first time I used it..seemed slow entering a reply but seems to be running well for me now..sorry Kathy and justice are having such a time of it, maybe they were getting everything changed over still..hopefully it will get better for you guys .
I'm creeping through it slowly...........But I am making progress I think, the unknown is always scary. We'll all get the bugs worked out
and be fluent before you know it
(can't wait for the auctions!

Good luck ya'll


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