The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

Thought I'd post the progress on my three 3/8 English babies. They are now just over 6 months or 24 weeks old. The darker blue started laying a few days ago! Talk about surprised! I've not had an Orp, even a hatchery one start that early before. The blue pullets are 6 lbs and I haven't weighed the splash cockerel yet but side by side, he's exactly the same size as my 10 lb, 10 month old APA standard boy was. I do miss George, the black, but this splash is shaping up nicely. Anyway, the pics. The buffs here are hatchery birds. Charlie Olive Pickles (center, with Olive behind her) They are all from the trio that Rebel Yell used to have. Long story why I have the splash back but he's related to the girls and hatched with them.
Hi from Ga.
Is Olive really made of cotton candy? C'mon- you can tell us!

hahaha thanks! Yes, she does look that way, doesn't she? She's my favorite too. These pullets look like little bowling balls sometimes. They aren't super great birds but I sure love them. Hoping to get some more good blood this spring but if not, then next year for sure :)

And thank you all for the nice comments!

ETA - I'm really loving that cockerel too. I didn't like him as a chick, I didn't like him at 4 months when he went to live somewhere else, and I REALLY didn't like him when I got him back. Talk about teenaged energy! He was awful to the girls, just AWFUL. Then yesterday he and I had a bit of a pow-wow and now he's nearly perfect. He is nicer to his girls and he keeps them together and safe. We respect each other now and he's calmer around me, too. I totally didn't expect that to come of our session. I didn't beat him up or anything, just a bit of holding down and carrying around. He's not mean, just needed to know how it was going to be.

I miss my George though, he was such a sweetheart.
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I'm here!! I'm lurking mostly... trying to figure out the new workings of the forum. I learned how to turn off all the ads and some of the other things that made the site too busy. It's helped a lot with how the forum loads for me now.

I'm also getting over a cold/flu, so I haven't been my normal chatty self.

I'm considering selling off most of my birds at the end of the summer and only keeping my Orpingtons. At the end of this month I may find myself in the thick of an unexpected project that I will need space for... so I'm going to be rethinking what birds we keep out of necessity for the farmers markets we sell eggs at and those that are sort of just hanging around as pets.

I'm excited though for what is to come.
Hey jeremy, HOpe you get to feeling a lot. better. These Orps will take over your chicken pens. I used to have Exhibition RIR, Exhibition Silkies and though I really loved them and some were pets I just had to give them up for space to the ones that stole my Heart.

BTW here is one of my baby boys. Just turned 9 months. I have him in with the hens that are about done molting and haven't started laying. I will move them once they lay and just keep him with the blacks. I only have two black hens. One is nearly 6 years old. She is a original hen here and we call her Grandma. She is to old to sell off and she is so sweet. I do have a few black pullets but not many. But since I am not hatching many I just don't need many.


He is a wide load. Not show quality but a really good breeder quality and I need a few things he has added in.

Okay so now I dont even know how to get the photos to show up. What have they done"
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I'm here!! I'm lurking mostly... trying to figure out the new workings of the forum. I learned how to turn off all the ads and some of the other things that made the site too busy. It's helped a lot with how the forum loads for me now.

I'm also getting over a cold/flu, so I haven't been my normal chatty self.

I'm considering selling off most of my birds at the end of the summer and only keeping my Orpingtons. At the end of this month I may find myself in the thick of an unexpected project that I will need space for... so I'm going to be rethinking what birds we keep out of necessity for the farmers markets we sell eggs at and those that are sort of just hanging around as pets.

I'm excited though for what is to come.

OK Jeremy, now you have to give us a little clue..............
You are killn us! Just a little hint..........

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