The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

Hey jeremy, HOpe you get to feeling a lot. better. These Orps will take over your chicken pens. I used to have Exhibition RIR, Exhibition Silkies and though I really loved them and some were pets I just had to give them up for space to the ones that stole my Heart.

BTW here is one of my baby boys. Just turned 9 months. I have him in with the hens that are about done molting and haven't started laying. I will move them once they lay and just keep him with the blacks. I only have two black hens. One is nearly 6 years old. She is a original hen here and we call her Grandma. She is to old to sell off and she is so sweet. I do have a few black pullets but not many. But since I am not hatching many I just don't need many.

He is a wide load. Not show quality but a really good breeder quality and I need a few things he has added in.

Okay so now I dont even know how to get the photos to show up. What have they done"
Kathy, thank you for posting those for me. I will have to call someone I guess and get them to walk me through this. I really don't like it. The pictures I see make the birds a bit distorted in shape. Did you figure out how to get the stuff of the side .
Hope your doing well. Look forward to seeing pics of your birds again soon.
Distorted?? No. Gorgeous? Yes! Wow. I really really really need a male from you to put over my hens.
Provident were you at the Lake City show last weekend?. I sold all my extra black males down there. It will be next year before I have adult birds available again. I am down to breeders now.. They sold out so quick. I could have sold two truck loads I think.
To use your images from photobucket you should just be able to highlight them and right click "copy" and then go to the window you are posting in..... right click "paste," and the picture should be there. If that doesn't work you can do this.....

Click the little icon at the top of the post a reply box:


This window will pop up. Click "Image URL" tab and then paste the URL of the picture into the "Import Url" box:
Instructions on finding an image URL will follow


Now click "submit":


Now your image should show up in your message:
Provident were you at the Lake City show last weekend?. I sold all my extra black males down there. It will be next year before I have adult birds available again. I am down to breeders now.. They sold out so quick. I could have sold two truck loads I think.

No, I missed it!
I wish I had been able to make it. Waiting a year will be torture. Are chicks or eggs a possibility?
I am putting one of my Disney-line american orp pullets in the black english pen when she's big enough. Hoping to get something as cute as Olive.   

What a compliment! This girl is pretty much just that but second or third generation. Both English and American lines are nice birds, no hatchery birds if my information is correct. Her mom was 1/4 English and the roo 1/2 English.

Thanks Kathy, I don't know why it won't let me copy and paste as normal from photobucket. Here is a trial I am doing the other way you suggested. This is the other cockerel I have saved. He has a great comb. A higher tail angle

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