The Legbar Thread!

I'm pretty sure the standard (in the UK anyway) calls for yellow feet & legs, maybe white-ish but definitely not blue!

The USA standard is the same as UK yellow. There should not be any blue..... If a hen has been laying for a long time she will draw color out of her legs and beak...the yellow can lighten to a cream or white-ish color -- but white isn't in the standard for the legs.
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Good mornin'! Last week I picked up six 12 week old cream Legbar girls. After splitting half of them with a good friend, I brought my three new girls home. I noticed right away that two of them have light yellow (w/ pink accents) legs & feet, while the other has blue legs & feet. Is this variation in skin color normal in Legbars?
Yellow legs are correct for Cream Legbar. Blue however is not, so I might venture to guess you got another breed or maybe those ones are mixed.

Do you have pictures?
I am going to post some pics tonight. I don't have access to my computer at the moment!
BTW -- welcome to BYC!!


I'm pretty sure the standard (in the UK anyway) calls for yellow feet


The USA standard is the same as UK yellow.  There should not be any blue.....  If a hen has been laying for a long time she will draw color out of her legs and beak...the yellow can lighten to a cream or white-ish color -- but white isn't in the standard for the legs. 

X3! They should have yellow legs and feet. They can have some variation within yellow, but not blue.
Although it was dark when I arrived home from work, I was able to take two decent shots with my cell phone. My girl with the blue legs, as you can see, is perched in the middle. The other girls have yellow legs with a touch of pink. They are also much lighter in feather color, as well. I have them in a crate temporarily, while I am integrating them into my flock.
What was the source of them, reliable Breeder, Hatchery/feed store or something else?

The 2 with the yellow legs look like they could be Pure legbars, but one seems to be lacking a crest and the other looks to have a very small crest and likely only has one cresting gene. The middle one with the blue or slate legs Im guessing is a mixed breed, she is not a pure CL.

What do the other 3 pullets look like that your friend has?
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I bought them from a fellow that lives in the next town over, found him on Craig's List. I checked out all of his adult cream Legbars & they all seemed healthy & happy (they all appeared to be full Blooded Legbars, as well.) The same went for his black copper Marans, Lavender Orphs, & several different types of Cochins that he also had. All of the Legbar chicks appeared very healthy and lively, my main concern, so I didn't pay attention to the coloring on the legs/feet.
I agree with you guys, she must be a mut!!! I didn't pay any astronomical prices for them & I am not breeding them, so I am okay with it. To tell you the truth, I am kind of excited to see what type of eggs she lays being a mystery bird & all!!!
The other three chicks that I gave to my friend, two have slate/blue legs and one has yellow legs. They are all living happily with her Americanas!
Thanks for your input everybody, much appreciated!

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