Things you wish you could say

I once asked a caterpillar on a bridge to hold still so I could snap its picture and it didn't move for about 10 minutes until I realized .... I went back and politely thanked it and said it could move on. You can't tell me they don't listen!
I have an interesting story from when I was 8. An anole had gotten into the house and was hanging out on my windowsill. I spent a few days hanging out with it and it seemed to like me (turned green when I was around). One morning I saw the anole was scratching at the window as if it wanted to go outside. I told the anole if it wanted to go outside I'd take it out if it got on the can I was using as a flower pot and it did climb on there and stayed on until I placed it down outside and it went on its way
I suspect a lot of people have similar experiences but are a little (or a lot) freaked out by them, so they don't share them. Or they think people will think they're, well, you know. Weird. I've been accused of worse so I don't really care.
One day, we went to costco, a bird went in, the bird flew out, the end.

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