Things you wish you could say

Well, replacement part for camera came today. Installed it, turned it on. Nothing. Checked all the connections and everything. Nope. Nothing. My sister has the exact same camera. I swapped my mainboard into hers. Nothing. I think the mainboard died on mine.
That's what Darwin awards are for.
I've know several people I wanted to nominate for a Darwin Award but they never qualified themselves.

In the immortal words of Maxwell Smart,
So Close Nbc 90Th Special GIF by NBC
Cooking is a basic life skill that everyone should know and parents should make sure their kids know basic kitchen skills. I just got done watching a video with a man using the back of the knife instead of the blade to cut, another man using a spatula to cut vegetables, a lady who has never opened a can in her life, a lady who put sprinkles on vegetables and many other kitchen crimes

Please for the sake of my brain cells learn the basics
Cooking is a basic life skill that everyone should know and parents should make sure their kids know basic kitchen skills. I just got done watching a video with a man using the back of the knife instead of the blade to cut, another man using a spatula to cut vegetables, a lady who has never opened a can in her life, a lady who put sprinkles on vegetables and many other kitchen crimes

Please for the sake of my brain cells learn the basics
Oh we need to have @Somewhere_In_The_Clouds explain fairy bread to you.

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