Treating Niacin deficiency - question on movement

You would be the best judge as to whether the swimming is too much or not. When I had pekin ducklings they tired easily and I had to put a little "island" in my bathtub that they could stand on because they liked to get a little rest. I only have experience with one pekin duckling who became splay leg. I used vet wrap to hobble her legs and also the liquid vitamin B and was able to turn it around. I will attach a photo of her with the hobbles and also a video after a few weeks of strengthening when she was able to walk much better.
Well it doesn’t get any cuter than that 😻 the bands somehow add to the cuteness, it’s like they’re exercising! Haha I’m glad your feathered friend made a full recovery! Once our Gemma is up walking 🤞🏼 I will try to determine if she needs that type of therapy. Praying we get a full recovery too 🩵
Because my duckling had obvious splay leg - when she rested her hips kind of went to the side and it was hard for her to stand up because the legs kept slipping outwards - I started the bands before she could walk and she didn't mind them at all. It helps them walk and keep things in proper position.
Hello helpful friends,

We have two one month old Saxony hens and I realized this week that one of them is struggling to stand/walk. I’ve been giving them 1 tablespoon of nutritional yeast per cup of fermented food since I got them as babies so I’m a little surprised this is happening. I’ve been reading tons and just ordered a bottle of Durvet B vitamin complex that will arrive early tmrw morning. I’m also thawing out some peas to give her in the mean time. Since yesterday I’ve been letting them swim in a warm bath every day hoping to help build up some strength. I was in the process of moving them out of their brooder this week and into the duck run with our 4 month old Silver Appleyards (they’ve slowly been getting acquainted, SAs are still bullying a little). The little ducks are quickly outgrowing their brooder and don’t have a lot of room to move around. My question is - should I be keeping Gemma indoors and more stationary or should I try and stand her up and encourage her to walk/forage outside? I’m heartbroken to learn she’s likely in pain and I don’t want to exacerbate it. I don’t know if I should try and strengthen her legs or let her rest and keep her more confined. Any input on treating her is greatly appreciated!
For scientific reasons what are you feeding them?
@AShelDuck1 I’m feeding them Scratch and Peck organic grower mash, they had the starter mash for the first 4 weeks. I’ve also consistently added 1 tablespoon of nutritional yeast per cup of food. I soak/sprout their food as well. I started giving the Poultry Cell in water yesterday.
@CoriM We got back from our trip tonight and I’ve decided to do the vet wrap on her legs. I put her in a warm bath tonight and it does look like her legs are oddly positioned when she swims, possibly too far apart. She is not efficient at moving through the water when she kicks. She’s standing on her shins and hobbling around a bit now but still won’t stand fully up. I’m hoping the vet wrap might help. She’s been drinking the Poultry Cell and I gave her a dose of durvet b complex as soon as we got home. It looks like she’s having a hard time straightening her legs, even in the bath. Can you give me advise on how to use the vet wrap to better position her legs? How often does the wrap need to be changed? TIA
I used one inch vet wrap and wrapped each leg with an individual loop - not too tight but enough so it's wrapped on the leg and doesn't slip down. This is just so the bigger loop as something to stick to. Then I supported her body (it's helpful if someone can do that part while you put on the wrap but it gets easier and you will probably be able to do it alone if she's compliant) and made a larger loop which pulled her legs into proper position - so what a normal duck would look like if she was standing. It seems like they wouldn't be able to maneuver around with the wrap, but they can. Change them whenever you think they are dirty or whatnot. I honestly have no memory of whether I let her swim in them or not. I know that she wasn't able to stand up to preen well after swimming and at first I would kind of hold her up to help her with that. I sure hope your baby gets better!

Here’s Willow and Gemma. You can see how she lays, to me it appears to be pretty normal. I’m about to attempt the vet wrap. She really does not like being handled so I’m not sure how it’s going to go but I figure if it gives her a better chance of recovering we may as well try it. She does seem to be gaining some strength and will hobble around on her shins now. It still doesn’t look great but I’m hoping we’re moving in the right direction. Her feet seem a bit turned in and not completely flat when they are on the ground and she doesn’t want to fully straighten her legs. Hopefully this changes in the next week.
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Here’s Willow and Gemma. You can see how she lays, to me it appears to be pretty normal. I’m about to attempt the vet wrap. She really does not like being handled so I’m not sure how it’s going to go but I figure if it gives her a better chance of recovering we may as well try it. She does seem to be gaining some strength and will hobble around on her shins now. It still doesn’t look great but I’m hoping we’re moving in the right direction. Her feet seem a bit turned in and not completely flat when they are on the ground and she doesn’t want to fully straighten her legs. Hopefully this changes in the next week.

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