Turkey lethargic due to peck wound?


In the Brooder
Apr 18, 2024
The wound is located on the back of her head, she has another smaller injury near the side of her face. I believe the cause was my older turkey hen.
The wound itself is small, but it does seem pretty deep. I cant tell if it's bad or not since I don't have experience with these injuries.
The hen, Egg, has been lethargic and has spent the last day huddled in the coop. She does move around, and she did follow me out when I left this morning, but it was a very slow pace and she usually moves alot quicker.

She keeps her eyes closed and keeps her feathers 'puffed'. She stands sort of hunched, and this morning had raggedy breath and thick saliva, and she was breathing through her mouth.

Could the wound be infected already? Or is something else happening? I washed both wounds with salt water, but I've kept it uncovered so it could get fresh air. Should I remove her from the coop and Flock and keep her somewhere warm? What other treatments can I do for her?

The turkey herself is only a year or so old, she's a healthy weight and has no other health issues. She was attacked when she was younger and had to be separated from the flock, but that wound was much bigger and she never showed any other the symptoms she is now. (You can see the scar on her head in the image)
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I'm sorry she's not doing well.

Can you check her over for other injuries besides the one on the head?

Trim the feathers away from the wound so you can see it more clearly. Reclean the wound with saline or if you have something like Chlorhexidine clean the wound with that. Apply triple antibiotic ointment to the wound.

The lethargy is concerning. She may be in shock from being pecked/attacked, but I would be sure the obvious wound in the photo is the only one she has. Could she have been attacked by a Fox or Dog instead of another Turkey?

Work on hydration. If you feel she needs to be separated out so she can recover better, then that may be a good idea, you are there to see her behavior and can best access the situation.
Welcome To BYC

I'm sorry she's not doing well.

Can you check her over for other injuries besides the one on the head?

Trim the feathers away from the wound so you can see it more clearly. Reclean the wound with saline or if you have something like Chlorhexidine clean the wound with that. Apply triple antibiotic ointment to the wound.

The lethargy is concerning. She may be in shock from being pecked/attacked, but I would be sure the obvious wound in the photo is the only one she has. Could she have been attacked by a Fox or Dog instead of another Turkey?

Work on hydration. If you feel she needs to be separated out so she can recover better, then that may be a good idea, you are there to see her behavior and can best access the situation.
Checked her over when I discovered the injury, it's the only one she has. I'm certain she was attacked by our other hen, she's always been a more aggressive turkey, she's pecked before but has never done anything to serious. She also had blood on her chest. (Dried, flecks of blood on the feathers, she has no wounds herself)

We also don't live in an area where foxes or dogs are issues, and both of the turkey hens are kept in a run and never free ranged.

I checked on her a second ago, the wound is looking atlot worse, the skin around is blackish/blue now. She's also moving her head and neck oddly, and the thick saliva and harsh breathing returned. Do you know what could be happening? Infection or could I be another sickness? She's been in the coop all day. I'll try to get the medications you listed, thank you!!
Can you get clear well lit updated photos of what the wound looks like now?

Thick saliva and heavy breathing sounds more like respiratory infection instead of from being injured.

Do you have any antibiotics on hand?

I'd check inside her beak for any signs of canker or infection and make sure her crop is emptying.

Work on hydration and eating.

If the wound looks bad, then give it a good cleaning with an antiseptic.

Reclean the wound with saline or if you have something like Chlorhexidine clean the wound with that. Apply triple antibiotic ointment to the wound.
Can you get clear well lit updated photos of what the wound looks like now?

Thick saliva and heavy breathing sounds more like respiratory infection instead of from being injured.

Do you have any antibiotics on hand?

I'd check inside her beak for any signs of canker or infection and make sure her crop is emptying.

Work on hydration and eating.

If the wound looks bad, then give it a good cleaning with an antiseptic.
I was unable to get a great photo since she's favoring her head, but I did get a picture. Yesterday I did apply triple antibiotic on the wound. I moved her I to the garage aswell, which she did fight slightly.

She seems alot more alert now, she moved about when I cut the feathers near the wound and while I was flushing it with water. She also had her eyes open, which is new!

I flushed the wound with water and trimmed the feathers this morning, and applied more antibiotic ointment. She hasn't been eating or drinking, so I did have to use a syringe to get some water down, which she did not enjoy :( Atleast she's feeling strong enough to fight.

The wound itself still looks the same as yesterday, same blackish blue color around the wound. I tried to clean the blood around the wound, but the area around the injury seems to really both her and I didn't want to stress her more then I already did.

Her poo looks normal, and she was breathing fine before I gave her water, she coughed a bit after but is no longer doing so, she still seems to have a bit of saliva in her beak. She's still a healthy weight, her skin tones still normal.

Thank you for the help so far!! Means alot 🙂

Just keep up with applying the ointment.

If the wound becomes smelly, then it's best to get some Chlorhexidine (Hibiclens) to clean the wound.

She may be having trouble bending her neck since it's injured. Try placing her food and water up higher, like on a cinder block or piece of wood to see if she can reach her food more easily.
Just keep up with applying the ointment.

If the wound becomes smelly, then it's best to get some Chlorhexidine (Hibiclens) to clean the wound.

She may be having trouble bending her neck since it's injured. Try placing her food and water up higher, like on a cinder block or piece of wood to see if she can reach her food more easily.
I've been cleaning the wound and I've been reapplying the ointment once everyday, is that fine or should I change it more often?

I've been giving her water through a syringe for the past days so she stays hydrated, she's still not eating or drinking herself, but she was interested in the food when I shook the container, I think she might still be sore. I did put both the water and food on a higher surface for her aswell. She does still cough/wheeze when I give her the water, but I do have apple cider vinger in the water to help her with the mucous, would that be mostly from her just not liking the taste? She seems to take down just water better.

The wound itself is smaller and looks to be healing, but the area around it is getting tougher and alot blacker, I didn't notice any strong smells. I got the best pictures I could, the wet areas is the antibiotic ointment. The rest of the skin around the area is looking alot brighter and not as pale as before.

Shes also chirping and alot more alert then before. She rotates between laying and standing, which is something she wasnt doing before.

If I manage to get some Chlorhexidine, would it be alright cleaning the wound with it daily?
I've been cleaning the wound and I've been reapplying the ointment once everyday, is that fine or should I change it more often?

I've been giving her water through a syringe for the past days so she stays hydrated, she's still not eating or drinking herself, but she was interested in the food when I shook the container, I think she might still be sore. I did put both the water and food on a higher surface for her aswell. She does still cough/wheeze when I give her the water, but I do have apple cider vinger in the water to help her with the mucous, would that be mostly from her just not liking the taste? She seems to take down just water better.

The wound itself is smaller and looks to be healing, but the area around it is getting tougher and alot blacker, I didn't notice any strong smells. I got the best pictures I could, the wet areas is the antibiotic ointment. The rest of the skin around the area is looking alot brighter and not as pale as before.

Shes also chirping and alot more alert then before. She rotates between laying and standing, which is something she wasnt doing before.

If I manage to get some Chlorhexidine, would it be alright cleaning the wound with it daily?
It's good that you don't notice a bad odor. Apply your ointment daily and clean or swab the wound as needed.

It's concerning that she's still not eating/drinking on her own. She's going to get weak if she's not getting anything to eat. If she doesn't come around in another day or so, then tube feeding her to get her through this rough patch can help.

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