Valentine's Day Hatch

It's not a great pic, but heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere's TapeChick!

she's so fluffy!
Yeah, what NotAFarm said... what is that chick, and SO COOL that tape chick hatched! "Scotchie" is a nice name....

To tell ya the truth, not really sure. I had four of my own eggs in the incubator - three were NN, one is a mystery chick. Could be that one, might not be. :p The rest were blue eggs that were marked as either americauna or EE. Most of those came out buff/white/black/chipmunk or brownie like tapechick. That one doesn't really look like americauna or EE, but who knows? Could be.

So I am thinking that panda chick could be one of my mutts in which case mom is probably one of my black chickens - langshan or my poofy mutt chicken "Puff". :) I can make a better guess when it gets bigger.
It's "puffy" face looks like it could have muffs so maybe an Ameraucana cross of some's very cool least from the angle of the picture!
Congrats to the rooster courting winner and to tape chick (tm). How about the name Scotty McTape? (That's the mascot for 3M Scotch Tape)

I had 21/31 eggs hatch ... not bad at all for mostly shipped eggs. I had to rescue quite a few from their shells, and today everyone is normal looking and fluffed up.

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