What color should I paint my hutch?

Mrs. Fluffy Puffy

Fluffy Feather Farm
12 Years
Jan 26, 2010
Texas, Panhandle
I have a small wooden hutch that I need to paint, what color do you think I should paint it? Thanks for your suggestions!

Here is a picture of the hutch.
I dont know why, but I think Yellow and White. I dont like the color yellow very much but I think it would look good on the coop
Who built that, it is really nice. I could use two. Did you have plans? If so where did you get them?
Do you have any colors you don't like? How artistic are you. I vote Tomato red w/ school bus yellow polka dots. Or black and white Zebra stripes. Or just Stripes.
Anyhow it's really nice.
Our house is white and brown ... that's pretty much the same color the hutch is right now.
I though about red and white, it is in our backyard so it will be seen alot.
I really like blue, but I hate pink. ( Sorry all you "Pink" loving fans! )
My dad built it for me for christmas!

Well we didn't have any plans, but we had a picture that we looked as we built it. ( We did a few adjustments to it to fit what we wanted, we made it bigger etc. )
Here is the link:
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Since Texas is hot, the suggestion is to paint it white so it reflects heat instead of absorbing heat like a dark color would. Personally I'm a big fan of sand brown color with a dark green trim.

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