What did you do in the garden today?

I weeded the flower garden over by the chicken house ( full of veggies too, like okra, squash, swiss chard and kale). I watered off and on all day. I tossed the weeds to the chickens. I transplanted some annuals into the garden. I filled the sunflower feeders. I weed eated all around the yard and gardens. Gosh, I love my black and decker weed eater with the rechargeable batteries.
This week in the yard (slow to add to this thread)

I started on digging some terraces (we are on a hill side) I wanted to look at the lines for a few days before I start making a low retaining wall with stack bricks. I dug a bunch of other dirt and spread to level a different section out. Am working on a fix to a brick steps that did not hold up well to the level of use, am busy pounding posts for a hand rail now. Finished the clean up after digging up a long dead palm tree and agave mess mound, used some of the extra bricks from the step to finish a garden walk and pad by a door.

I have 3 roses to plant, one will go in tomorrow, the other two not sure when but they are babies.

And I think that is about it for this week
Okay, so the roses did not go in today or the last couple of bricks

BUT I got a few more stumps out (smaller fruit tree ones) and cleaned up a corner we have been putting off for years.

Tomorrow and Sunday, I am going to dig out the last stumps-at least a dozen and rake up years worth of old peach pits.

And then............After about 5 years and at least 100 truck loads hauled to the dump..... I am done with the clean up!!!! Well except for the old shed that is falling down, but that is for the fall when I have some man help! My dad was a garden hoarder and could never pass a construction sight with out finding something we "needed" for a new project. Only they sat there for decades. He also would not all anyone to clean up the garden and had planted so many fruit trees that they were competing on levels to try and find some sun.

I still have terraces to build, berry vines to keep on digging out and weeds. But WOW it feels so good to be so close to done cleaning it up!
I went out this morning and worked on streamlining the furrows while the irrigation water was coming in. I have to say, it's working pretty smoothly this year! Usually I have to do a ton of digging in bone dry, hard soil to get the furrows as deep as I want.

Just got the plants in yesterday. Hooray for procrastination............*sarcasm* Found some nice large, oogie bugs, too, and had the chickens clean them up.
I am almost done building the first terrace! I need a few dozen more loads of dirt dug up, put in the little wheel barrow and drug up the hill.

I am going to dig the bottom part of the property down about 6" probably 10x60? leaving a 6 foot wide planter/berm to make a collection area for collecting the rain water run off. Right now it races down the hill, picks up all the best top soil and gets stuck on the back side of the neighbors fence in between our chain link fence and theirs. They decided to dig that place lower when they fixed it up. Our fruit trees should appreciate the effort..lol This way the rain run off (we don't get much rain here in SoCal) will have an area to slow down and water the planter/berm and not end up between the fences. We are saving any daffodil bulbs we find for the lowered section.
I walk through the garden every day before the sun gets on it, and it doesn't take long to pull any weeds. Yesterday I put chicken wire around the strawberrys as there was evidence of something eating them. Today I noticed that some of the leaves near the wire was nipped off so maybe there's something bigger getting in there, I'm going to put out a trail cam today and maybe see what it is.
Last year I cleared out some brush and planted grass that came in real nice using some cheap seed. I have another spot that I just seeded on friday, and noticed today that some has already sprouted. There's more to dig up and seed, I'll start that later this week as we're going camping, and have to get the trailer ready.

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