What did you do in the garden today?

Still trying to catch up on many pages...

Anyone ever used algae as a fertilizer or supplement in the garden? I have a pond that gets algae scum on it. Someone gave me the idea of using a pool skimmer to collect it and maybe use it in the garden?
I never have, but on my local Craigslist Freebies a few days ago, there was a post that caught my eye - they were offering huge bags of aquatic plants for gardens. A group (not sure if it's the state, a local conservation district, or a group of volunteers) goes around to local lakes and ponds clearing out invasive plants such as millefoil, they bag it up in big mesh potato bags, let it dry out for a few days, then give it away. I'm thinking of giving it a try, maybe experiment with one bed first and compost the rest? Or compost it all to be safe, but I imagine aquatics would not spread on land? Seems beneficial like seaweed, without having to rinse the salt out. I think I might text them and try it.
If you do use your pond algae in your garden (maybe let it sit out and dry first?) please let me know your results!

My indoor plants are doing well, time to up-pot the tomatoes and luffas. Cabbage and leeks still need a bit more time, but they look good so far. But, my poor little lettuce and spinach I planted in grow boxes outside had just come up this past weekend, and tonight it got down to 30 - I'm scared to go look at them in the morning.

I scored another amazing freebie today - two 8' x 4' packing crates with 1/2" plywood tops and sides, some extra tops and sides from taken-apart crates, and various lengths of 4x4s. The best thing about these is the floors - made of 4x4s and 2x8s, they are probably more solid than the creaky floors in our house! My plan is to attach the two floors together, reinforce and extend the sides higher, use roofing panels we already have lying around, and make a little 8x8 barn to house 2 or 3 small goats. We have a stack of cedar shingles which could make it look really cute - this summer's project! It will be so great to have a few goats, and never have to fight blackberries again!
Quarantine 2 RIR hens and an EE hen from my mother’s she got to where she couldn’t take care of them.. my Polish yard Rooster Kevin wants to say hello.. taking Ellie to vet this morning for check up and flea meds, looks like the fleas will be relentless again this year, last year was the worst ever here.. take care and have a great day y’all..
little dog: I'd be careful of the "waterplants". My experience: I used to work @ a minicipal water plant. Our holding ponds grew lots of aquatic plants. Many different kinds. I decided to compost some. Mind you I'm not a very good composter but finally got, what I thought, a decent compost outta the pile. Added it to the garden and almost immediately Stuff started sprouting in my garden that had never grown anywhere around my house. It was the plants that I had supposedly composted. Took me years to finally get it all outta the garden!
Hi everybody!

Took the dogs on a romp in the woods. Planted my potatoes in the growbags recommended from Amazon, got 4 & put 1 lb of seed potatoes in each! Fingers crossed they will grow well!

Rain just started, luckily it held off til lunch so I could get outside for a little bit!

A tiny bit of snow on Monday should not bother my pea seeds, right? I only did 1 row in case I have to cover. 75 degrees today, low of 30 on Monday. 🙄
My plan WAS to do some gardening between chauffeur duties….but…so windy and it’s not that warm, but with the wind, it’s downright cold!! It rained all day yesterday and through the night. But, the storms that were supposed to roll through around 3am were just wind and rain..not the strong storms they were predicting.

Doing inside chores instead. Chauffeur duties begin again in 20 min

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