What did you do in the garden today?

So Clover normally has 5 to 7 kits when she has babies, but this time, only 3. Those 3 were pretty big at birth and in the week since, have gotten a lot of milk and so have grown like little piggies, double chins and all. DP just brought one into the house and handed it to me and I let Penny sniff it and told her, 'this is a BABY, gentle..." and all the normal stuff. DP took the little porker back and was doing the same thing and the little beastie started peeing in the dogs face so since there wasn't a towel handy she shifted the kit so the pee was hitting my shirt and jeans! She said better my clothes than the carpet but since she was giggling like a mad thing I am inclined to doubt her sincerity.
:gig:gig:gig:gig:bun:bun:bun:bun :lau:lau:lau:lau
Well, two more of the leghorn eggs are pipping now so the first baby should have company by morning. :)

It might hit the high 20s tonight so I moved the fuchsias, peppers, and tomatoes into the human side of the coop for the night. It generally stays a few degrees warmer in there. The weather is just nuts, stay safe everyone.
Dock. Some kind of dock. Good feed when young, toxic when older in large quantities. Reseeds like you would not believe and the taproots. Suck.

Looked up some info. Yes, it’s curly dock. Sounds like I can control it by digging it up, or even cutting off the upper portion several inches below surface (which leaves some of the tap root, which could be a problem). So, I’ll keep digging it up while there are no plants in the beds.
Dad's credit union has shut his accounts, they know him and us been members for 50 years, and are demanding his outstanding loans be paid by MONDAY. Well sure. How would you like us to DO that exactly? You shut his stuff! He has the money to pay everything off sitting in their bank, but we can't get to it!
They demanded car loan payment in full by Monday or hand over the keys! WTH! He's been dead TWO days. I can't even wrap my head around this.
BTW these are accounts my sister didn't even know he had and she pays his bills for him. Grrrrrrr. Had she known, she would have paid them this past week before he died and before she informed the bank he was dead.
I just want to scream with how complicated this is, and it shouldn't be. And why is no one HELPING?! They just cold and by the freaking book!

Cool, winds to 50, nothing but watering and checking on the garden.
I'm so sorry...first losing your dad now this.
Saying a prayer for you and your family!
Looked up some info. Yes, it’s curly dock. Sounds like I can control it by digging it up, or even cutting off the upper portion several inches below surface (which leaves some of the tap root, which could be a problem). So, I’ll keep digging it up while there are no plants in the beds.
Whatever you do, don't just give up and till it in. Bad move. :barnie
Whatever you do, don't just give up and till it in. Bad move. :barnie

Yes, that would be bad!!

It came from goat poop we got from a friend. They piled it up outside. We added it in the fall, so I don’t believe it has ever seeded here. And the ones I saw in the goat poop did not have seed heads. I tried to avoid the weeds, so at least I didn’t bring in as many as could have been possible. Of course, at any given time seeds can fly into my garden from another location.
Nearly finished with the chicken yard expansion. One or two more posts to install but they can wait for now. I need to run to Lowes and pick up more dirt for the new garden bed and containers for flowers. I need to move the potted lavender plants over to the chicken yard and plant up the other flowers I bought for the chicken yard. Only on the outside of the fence. Lol! I noticed a red onion breaking through the dirt and more asparagus too. I may go ahead and plant the kale this weekend. Still concerned about frost next week.

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