What did you do in the garden today?

I'm trying a new way of supporting my determinate tomatoes. I'll train the vines over a 2x4 I attached to the framing around the raised bed and let them drape over the board and hang down towards the ground as they grow.

The plants normally top out at 4 or 5 feet tall, so I think the ends of the vines will just reach the ground when they stop growing. Hope it works out.

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Indeterminate tomatoes supported with shirt strips...

Rattlesnake beans are beginning to climb the trellis...

I went to town harvesting the Merlot red leaf lettuce and collard greens this morning. Their naked stalks are showing...
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Happy Independence Day!
I love Sketchers sandals BUT I have skinny feet and they don't make a narrow version of the sandals I like. I bought 2 pair of their medium width (smallest they have) thinking it would be OK since they use stretchy material but I still find my feet slipping out of them all the time.
Ditto, narrow feet here, too. I sometimes find a 5 or even 6 that "might" work, especially if I wear thick socks, but that's with boots or winter shoes & it's rare. Summer shoes? I gave up looking a long time ago. Why don't they make a 4 3/4 size? I've even tried kids shoes, they're way wider! Does anyone recall a shoe store called Fayva in the early 70's? Wish they were still around. 😔
I'm trying a new way of supporting my determinate tomatoes. I'll train the vines over a 2x4 I attached to the framing around the raised bed and let them drape over the board and hang down towards the ground as they grow.

The plants normally top out at 4 or 5 feet tall, so I think the ends of the vines will just reach the ground when they stop growing. Hope it works out.

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Indeterminate tomatoes supported with shirt strips...
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Rattlesnake beans are beginning to climb the trellis...
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I went to town harvesting the Merlot red leaf lettuce and collard greens this morning. Their naked stalks are showing...
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Happy Independence Day!
It's not that it doesn't work. It's that the weight of the tomatoes on the vine that goes over the board has a tendency to cause the vine to compress itself as it crosses over the board and the subsequent rubbing by wind and dangling fruit causes the vine to shut down and die.
You're better off getting them to the top of the board and running them along and on it, like a grapevine, tying it with non-binding material like Tshirt strings about every 12 inches.
Ditto, narrow feet here, too. I sometimes find a 5 or even 6 that "might" work, especially if I wear thick socks, but that's with boots or winter shoes & it's rare. Summer shoes? I gave up looking a long time ago. Why don't they make a 4 3/4 size? I've even tried kids shoes, they're way wider! Does anyone recall a shoe store called Fayva in the early 70's? Wish they were still around. 😔
I remember Fayva, not thought of them for years.
You just HAAAAAAD to tell me that, didn't you????

Grumble, grumble :duc

:::shuffles off to go buy the blueberry Greenstalk while it's on sale:::
Hahaha, sorry! But I'm glad I'm not alone here. 🤭
I want one too but I will restrain myself.

So...where would I click on, IF I just wanted to take a look at it on sale? 🤣
Yep, the link below, but there is a coupon from the email if you are signed up for it - CELEBRATE - for 10% off.
It's like the movie, the Ring. You gotta pass it on.... 😂 Although it's too late for me. I bought the blueberry too...

If you didn't get to use the coupon for 10% off, call them, they'll credit you.
It's not that it doesn't work. It's that the weight of the tomatoes on the vine that goes over the board has a tendency to cause the vine to compress itself as it crosses over the board and the subsequent rubbing by wind and dangling fruit causes the vine to shut down and die.
You're better off getting them to the top of the board and running them along and on it, like a grapevine, tying it with non-binding material like Tshirt strings about every 12 inches.
I wonder if like a pool noodle would help. I'm having an issue with my strawberries hanging over the edge of the greenstalk & breaking so I bought foam hair rollers - like a mini pool noodle. LOL

I got some more wood chips down in the garden paths. Picking up some cardboard tomorrow from a person on FB so I can finally finish it tmrw! DH is onboard if I decide to do stone next year, it just seems so permanent & hard to do away with if things change. But I guess we have heavy machinery to deal with it. :confused: It's also on a hill, if I go too small stone it will migrated down. IDK.
Ironically, I finally got the oven spring I was looking for by baking my sour dough on the same day after 2 to 3 hours of refrigeration, and I got the ear by using the 5-minute score method.

I guess I was over proofing my dough overnight. This is the first time I got this kind of oven spring.

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What I couldn't do with that lovely loaf of bread, a plate of olive oil & some red pepper flakes....:drool

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