What did you do in the garden today?

Had to water today. Near 80 for a couple days, and the plants all looked a little peaked this afternoon. Dug the last potato plant which finally died down. Yesterday deadheaded flowers while picking bouquets. I have spinach (volunteer) and choy sum (scattered seeds from spring's planting) up. I think I may plant some bok choy now.
Found a dozen eggs while in the garden, on top of the run tarp. I have a habitual escapee. Her name is Dora ( the explorer).

my Dora is escapee too. but she is a dog.
Warm dry air mass moved in overnight. Today is sunny, dry, and in the low 90s. Feels like you're under a magnifying glass, but I'll take it.
I'm up to my eyeballs in hummingbirds migrating through.
Their antics are a riot.
No gardening today beyond filming hummies.
There are tomatoes to pick out there, but they can wait until Monday.
frying whole potatoes? never heard of it.
It's kind of hard to tell, but those potatoes were cut in half with the flat side in the grease. But if the grease was deep enough, sure, you could fry whole potatoes if you wanted.

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Darn it.... Why.... Just why.... Coffee that is unfiltered can affect your cholesterol... I mean come on... I don't use a plastic coffee machine. We have a stainless percolator with a glass top. :( Guess we're switching to pour over. *rolls eyes*
Don't believe everything you read. "Science" often contradicts and reverses it's findings every 5 years, it seems. Maybe because studies don't follow true scientific methods anymore and are often tainted by corporate greed.
Finally got the blueberry Greenstalk put together and filled. Seeded it with a variety of lettuce, carrots, cilantro, parsley, and chives. Tried filling the top reservoir and it doesn't seem to be draining properly... It's all washing out the bottom somehow instead of filling the reservoir on each tier and slow dripping. I'll have to take it apart later and troubleshoot...
Mosquitos are attracted to people with a carbon monoxide smell. My dad always took a bit higher dose of B6 to keep them away. They don't like the color blue because it makes them think they are in the sky. I have also heard that only the females bite, the males are the ones that distract us by buzzing around our ears.
I stuck this bait under my zapper and got rid of all the mosquitoes. I think the zapper makes more sense and works better than the fan type Dyna Mosquito Trap.

I switched to the zapper because the Dyna Mosquito Trap is hard to clean off the built-up spider webs inside and it's hard to change the UV light and the recommended Atrakta bait cost more than the zapper.

This cheaper Octenol bait has been working for me with my zapper. I bought them from amazon. The only disadvantage is the zapper need to be kept some place protected from the rain. I have one hanging in my garage and one in my back yard, above my aquaculture tank, under a heavy-duty tarp. I leave the catch pan under the zapper off and let the bugs fall into my fish tank. It's easy to clean, I just blow on the coils or use a small brush to take off lizards and bigger bugs whenever I feel like it. I hardly clean it...........

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