What did you do in the garden today?

I have never had roasted garlic. :th

I finally tasted toum at a restaurant, which I loved! Hubby wasn't a fan, and later he told me my breath reeked.

So when he goes out to Colorado in October... heh heh... I'm making toum and eating it allllllll!
There used to be a Carinos restaurant in Little Rock that closed down years ago which had the most awesome roasted garlic and olive oil dip that you'd eat with fresh bread. I want to find that recipe.... Amazing. 😍
Finally got the blueberry Greenstalk put together and filled. Seeded it with a variety of lettuce, carrots, cilantro, parsley, and chives. Tried filling the top reservoir and it doesn't seem to be draining properly... It's all washing out the bottom somehow instead of filling the reservoir on each tier and slow dripping. I'll have to take it apart later and troubleshoot...
I don't have a Greenstalk but I've read up on them. If I remember correctly you need to dump water into the top quickly, like pouring it out of a bucket. Creates some kind of vortex action I believe.
I am doing an experiment with store bought green onions. I bought 3 bunches of green onion and dried the roots in the shade for a couple of days. I also trimmed the roots before planting them.

This experiment is about spacing. I planted a bunch tightly together in the middle of the pot and in the other two pots I arranged them spaced out. I don't think it will make that much of a difference, unless these roots can multiply. However, the ones planted tightly together in the middle will be easier to cut and use, so I am rooting for it. :wee
I never tasted fried blue gill before, but they look perfect for pan frying, so I placed an order for 20 medium size blue gills from eBay, it says free shipping and guaranteed live delivery, but am not so sure about that, since I am ordering for the first time.
Anyway, I have a spare bio ready 300-gallon fish tank I will use to start them out. I will try to breed them after one year. I think they can reach 1lbs the first year and maybe 3 lbs the second year.
I never tasted fried blue gill before, but they look perfect for pan frying, so I placed an order for 20 medium size blue gills from eBay, it says free shipping and guaranteed live delivery, but am not so sure about that, since I am ordering for the first time.
Anyway, I have a spare bio ready 300-gallon fish tank I will use to start them out. I will try to breed them after one year. I think they reach 1lbs the first year and maybe 3 lbs the second year.
Bluegills are excellent eating! I grew up eating fried bluegill. Good fighters on the fishing line too. Fun to catch.

The bigger ones can be filleted out but ours were usually fried whole (no head though). I think the bones add some flavor to the fish flesh.

Three pounds is huge for a bluegill. The record is somewhere between 4 and 5 pounds. Are you buying the hybrid bluegills? I think most of them are males.

Bluegills are excellent eating! I grew up eating fried bluegill. Good fighters on the fishing line too. Fun to catch.

The bigger ones can be filleted out but ours were usually fried whole (no head though). I think the bones add some flavor to the fish flesh.

Three pounds is huge for a bluegill. The record is somewhere between 4 and 5 pounds. Are you buying the hybrid bluegills? I think most of them are males.

Here is a link to my order, I am pretty sure they are regular type. https://www.ebay.com/itm/166859009187

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