What did you do in the garden today?

70 today. Spring weather. Vultures are back. Mums are up and daffodils are popping up. Today I got a free trio of Dutch rabbits. I think I will go to the sale barn Friday and try to get different buck of another breed. Grow some meat rabbits.

I need to make some changes on my rabbit cages and move them near my big garden. so autumn looks like more likely to happen.
I hate butchering roos... We do it once a year though and I pressure can the meat. It helps a little that we are at least feeding our family so it's not going to waste but I feel like such a terrible person in the moment.

what about goats? my 3 girls have 3 male kids :he I wonder if my big boy will make boys only. some say yes, some no. any idea?
Still early today but plan to the same as yesterday (if my body allows it).
Mixing, using a cement mixer, purchased potager soil with my year old compost for topping up my potager. Then wheel barrowing it to the raised beds and putting it into the beds a bucket at a time.
I have 300 litres of compost and am mixing it 50/50. It will take a loooonnnnnggggg time.
8 cucmbers
our first for the year.
My golden retriever ran off and ate my first ever cucumber when I left it on the side of the raised bed.
Funniest thing ever, me trying to find the disappearing cucumber with the dog nearby munching 😂
Turning out to be a beautiful day... None of the indoor seedlings have sprouted yet but it's only been a few days so I didn't really expect it.

Asparagus is starting to pop up. I had 6 crowns and a couple of them seem to be producing less and less each year. Not sure why because I carefully fertilize every year and I haven't seen any asparagus beetles or anything. I ordered some new asparagus starts from Jung to start some new beds in a different location, in case something is killing them there AND because my thornless blackberries are starting to spread into that bed.

Speaking of Jung, I'm expecting my delivery sometime this week... I have a growing list of stuff I'm going to have to find a ground home for... It's always challenging because I have to ensure it gets enough sunlight, moisture, and that it's not going to cause problems for goats/horses. Right now I'm looking for spots for 2 pawpaw trees, 3 pomegranate trees, a Marquis grape, and a couple of Gooseberries.

On a positive note, it looks like my plum trees are FINALLY flowering this year! 👏 I grew them both from store bought plums about 3 or 4 years ago. I know they don't breed true to their parent so I'm kinda curious what kind of fruit they will turn out...
I'm excited for the flowering plums! So cool. I hope they will be edible.
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All I did yesterday was pour some water into the trays under the pepper plant pots to water them. They're all looking great, but I'm pretty sure I need to up-pot them one more time before they go into the garden. I haven't been brave enough to top the pepper plants yet. And I've had a box fan blowing on them most days, during light hours, to toughen them up and prevent disease.

Looks like all the cabbage seeds have sprouted, so I'll have to get out the scissors and thin them down to one plant per cell soon. And the red Russian kale seedlings are getting a little taller. I grew the kale plants from seeds I saved from last fall.

Still about a month before I'm planting my tomato seeds. I see no reason to put tomato plants into the ground until around June 1st. Pepper plants will go into the ground around the same time, but I want them to be as large as possible. They grow slower than tomato plants so they need an earlier head start. And the "summer" is relatively short here.

When they go in earlier than that the ground's too cool and the plants just sit there, dormant, and don't grow much at all. The tomato plant that came up volunteer in the garden last year produced well, and it had a late start.

Oh, and one of my chickens had a minor feather explosion last night. Haven't been getting many eggs lately...

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