What did you do in the garden today?

I just planted some kale and Brussels sprouts seeds in starter cells. Twelve red Russian kale, and six of sprouts. These brassica seeds sprout pretty fast so I'm hoping to get the starter plants into the garden early next month for a fall and winter harvest.

The red Russian kale I planted last year stayed green and alive all through the winter. It even survived temperatures down into the teens. Hardy stuff!
I picked my 3rd Terra Cotta tomato today, I really like them and I grew them last year too.
I cleaned up my garlic after curing them and I picked some, almost half, of my carrots.
I've never seen so many carrots doing naughty things! 🫢 I did get some nice ones though.

Beautiful @karenerwin! I had heard that the darker the honey the more antioxidents & nutrients. Not sure if its true, but I heard that recently.

How is your son doing?
He was doing really good. But just the other day the nurses noticed that he is having tremors. So they are checking to see if his seizure medicine is working or not. Otherwise they were talking about sending him somewhere for PT and OT. Hopefully this won’t set him back too much.
They told us that they are finished with surgeries. They removed his trachea and he is off the feeding tube and off all IV’s!
He actually just called as I was typing this and said they are supposed to be moving him in the next day or 2 to a therapy place. 😊
In our garden, my mom, brother, and I pulled up our butter bean plants to get the pods off (the rats have started to get into them). While looking through the plants, we found this interesting little caterpillar. Does anyone know what it is? I’ve think it would be pretty cool to know what it turns into. View attachment 3576037

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I would say that's a long tail skipper caterpillar. I used Bing image search to find it.



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