What did you do in the garden today?

I am very grateful for my VA healthcare. I am astonished how painful it is for people in the regular healthcare system to get timely care. My dental insurance is through medicare and going through dealing with the majority of dentists not accepting that is ridiculous. You get treated like you are some sort of beggar. I earned my retirement benefits just like all or most retirees. I even tried a government employee dental plan when I first retired and payed the same monthly premium as I did when I was working. I had a filling done and was charged over $300 because the insurance company rejected my claim because even though I got the insurance as a retired government employee they wouldn't pay because I was retired. It makes no sense. I just use the dental benefits I get through my medicare advantage plan. That’s the only thing I use medicare for and I pay $170 per month to have it. Oops! Sorry, They pay for my annual flu shot. Lol!
I also hate Amazon. Cheap Chinese crap that isn't worth half of what you pay for it. It's extremely difficult to find any high quality products on there anymore and even harder to find Made in America products. I do still order from Amazon occasionally but only when I'm absolutely looking for cheap, disposable temporary stuff.
Amazon has vendors that are Americans. You just need to read all the product information.
Most doctors these days have become handcuffed by insurance companies. They are either a slave to the pharmaceutical industry or to insurance companies. Both have more sway in your treatment than your actual doctor does... Honestly I try not to go to the doctor at all unless it's something super serious. I've just lost all trust and faith in the medical community in the past 10 years. I do better treating myself holistically than they ever have...
Unfortunately there is no holistic approach to autoimmune disorders that has worked for me so I have to see my doctor. And hearing loss isn’t treatable holistically either 🤷‍♀️
I also hate Amazon. Cheap Chinese crap that isn't worth half of what you pay for it. It's extremely difficult to find any high quality products on there anymore and even harder to find Made in America products. I do still order from Amazon occasionally but only when I'm absolutely looking for cheap, disposable temporary stuff.
No different than the cheap crap at walmart or target or most other places these days. Even made in America doesn’t mean much these days when they bought the parts from a country that uses children to make them.
No different than the cheap crap at walmart or target or most other places these days. Even made in America doesn’t mean much these days when they bought the parts from a country that uses children to make them.
And the majority of the child laborers are working in textile factories. Who makes your clothes?
a friend of mine tried to order something from temu. they asked even 2 numbers from her pin. she cancelled the order.
I’ve seen their ads pop up when I’m searching for a specific item. Their prices are unrealistically low. There was another company that operated pretty much the same and they “allegedly” went out of business. I suspect Temu is that same company.
I do use Amazon, but check prices for sure. I look there, but check stores here before ordering. Not my favorite place, but sometimes that’s the only place I can find things, or I do find them cheaper on occasion.
I have found things I like on Amazon and then looked up the company and order direct or from another company...... and they shipped it to me by Amazon :he

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