What did you do in the garden today?

The feral cats have been stalking the wild birds under my feeders. I had a 36" barrier around most of it, but closed off the rest yesterday. The green mesh is about 15" I think. View attachment 3944386
It's more of a discouragement than a fool-proof barrier, but it should slow down the cats enough to give the birds a better chance.

putting 3 ft fence and hope to keep dogs and cats out. not sure about my crazy cats.
Gonna be gone for the next 2 weeks so my garden and all the animals are at the mercy of my kids... At least we've had decent rain this week so everything had a good drink ahead of time.
I have most of the tomato/uphill/heavy soil garden cleaned out. I have 2-3 tomato plants still, the peppers, and the marigolds.

Do marigolds reseed themselves? I have plenty of saved seed, and I'll start some next spring, but I need to watch where I planted them to see if any volunteers come up.

There are a LOT of tomatoes on the ground. Several vines of cherry/almost cherry sized tomatoes. Nothing I want to grow again next year. Watery, and very little flavor. :sick

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