What did you do in the garden today?

Good luck with your carrots! I hope you get great results. I can't count how many garlic cloves I've planted .. not a single one has grown :(
Thank you! And I know exactly how you feel about garlic. Every previous year I’ve planted garlic it sprouts and then rots in the ground come spring. This year I got two nickel-sized bulbs by planting them in the spring instead of the fall, but that’s the best I’ve ever done. I love garlic and would love to grow it myself, so I’m really hoping moving it indoors helps.
I've got 8 pints of beans from picking this week. Still have more to pick...

This is the first time I've planted Kentucky Wonder pole beans. Not sure I'm a fan... Are you supposed to pick them when they are really young? It's likely I picked mine when they were overly mature because I was gone for several weeks. They are very stringy and tough.

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