What did you do in the garden today?

No gardening. It was nice out. 50'F, so I washed the Texas mud off all the house windows.
I made a long list of chores/repairs/things to do before it gets hot; worked on a woodworking project, got a loom ready for sale, vacuumed, mopped, but never got around to dusting.
I'm beat.
We're still two weeks from warming seed tray soil, and 3 from putting seeds in trays.
I do need to get around to picking up local's tomato seedlings orders.
Sifted out a wheelbarrow full of compost and mixed up enough potting mix for 20 five gallon pots. Will be planting my romaine, greens and herbs in these by my back door. I eat a lot of salads and like it close by instead of in my veggie garden.
I use a small size cement mixing tub for my lettuce, they are around 6 inches deep, 2 feet wide and 3 feet long. I can fit 12 mature lettuces in it. It's kind of thick, practically indestructible.
I have just got informed that one of the places in athens where I buy trees got their first trees. I plan to go to athens to do some things and definitely will get some trees. working on a pheasant aviary so no gardening. as soon as I finish I will mow some grass in my big garden area. I will dry it a bit for goats then I'll start preparing soil for gardening. last fall and beginning of winter we had no rain so grass came out late.

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