What did you do in the garden today?

It’ll be my first year taking over the gardening duties! I repotted some seedlings that I started a few weeks ago (probably too early due to beginner’s excitement). The ground here is slowly thawing and I’ve been enjoying watching my ducks and chickens gleefully pitter pattering around.

I’ll need to come up with a plan to (attempt) to chicken proof the raised beds and edge gardens 😅
It’ll be my first year taking over the gardening duties! I repotted some seedlings that I started a few weeks ago (probably too early due to beginner’s excitement). The ground here is slowly thawing and I’ve been enjoying watching my ducks and chickens gleefully pitter pattering around.

I’ll need to come up with a plan to (attempt) to chicken proof the raised beds and edge gardens 😅
Welcome! We all get excited when it’s time to start the garden, beginners and veterans, so you’re in the right place.

Raised beds are pretty easy to protect tbh. You can use those metal stakes, I think they’re called u posts, and attach some welded wire to them. I get the cheap green stuff at the big box store.put the wire on so that the bottom of it is just at the top of your raised bed so you don’t waste height. Of course it depends on the height of your beds as to how tall you’ll need the wire to be.

Pex pipe is better than pvc for hoops. Put on some row cover material and it keeps ALL the birds out and from stealing your seeds.

Good luck!!
Finally got started seeding tomatoes for 2025. So many cultivars have accumulated during the winter shopping fever :)

I just drilled a 1/2-inch drain hole 3 inches from the bottom of a clear 2ftx3ft clear plastic container and attached 2 x 90-degree pvc elbows so the solution would drain from the bottom, and I filled the container 3 inches up from the bottom with perlite. I also place a nylon fruit bag over the drain hole to contain the perlite. In addition, I placed a shade cloth over the perlite, and I was wondering if my seed potatoes were going to get waterlogged and got some answers to my questions from this video. I think my experimental set up is similar to the bag and newspaper method in this video.

I am thinking about covering my seed potatoes resting on the shade cloth in the container with either more perlite, a peat and perlite mix or pine shavings.

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Finally got started seeding tomatoes for 2025. So many cultivars have accumulated during the winter shopping fever :)

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I know how you feel. I just got back from shopping - I was looking for two, maybe three specific varieties of basil and came home with eight.

I also discovered my local Tractor Supply has chicks in, but either they sold out everything but guineas or never got anything else in (I didn’t ask). Those of you looking to expand your flocks this year have my sympathy, I would not be wanting to navigate the chick frenzy this year.

Speaking of, for those of you who transported cattle panels before, how big of a truck did you use? I want a few for trellises this year but I’m going to need to rent a truck to get them home. If it matters, since they’re going to be trellises anyway they don’t need to be kept perfectly flat. I tried emailing Tractor Supply about it already and never heard back. I was going to ask went I went looking for seeds but the only people working were busy on the register. 😕
I know how you feel. I just got back from shopping - I was looking for two, maybe three specific varieties of basil and came home with eight.

I also discovered my local Tractor Supply has chicks in, but either they sold out everything but guineas or never got anything else in (I didn’t ask). Those of you looking to expand your flocks this year have my sympathy, I would not be wanting to navigate the chick frenzy this year.

Speaking of, for those of you who transported cattle panels before, how big of a truck did you use? I want a few for trellises this year but I’m going to need to rent a truck to get them home. If it matters, since they’re going to be trellises anyway they don’t need to be kept perfectly flat. I tried emailing Tractor Supply about it already and never heard back. I was going to ask went I went looking for seeds but the only people working were busy on the register. 😕

Pickup will work if a few.
They are 16 ft long
Turning out to be a beautiful day... None of the indoor seedlings have sprouted yet but it's only been a few days so I didn't really expect it.

Asparagus is starting to pop up. I had 6 crowns and a couple of them seem to be producing less and less each year. Not sure why because I carefully fertilize every year and I haven't seen any asparagus beetles or anything. I ordered some new asparagus starts from Jung to start some new beds in a different location, in case something is killing them there AND because my thornless blackberries are starting to spread into that bed.

Speaking of Jung, I'm expecting my delivery sometime this week... I have a growing list of stuff I'm going to have to find a ground home for... It's always challenging because I have to ensure it gets enough sunlight, moisture, and that it's not going to cause problems for goats/horses. Right now I'm looking for spots for 2 pawpaw trees, 3 pomegranate trees, a Marquis grape, and a couple of Gooseberries.

On a positive note, it looks like my plum trees are FINALLY flowering this year! 👏 I grew them both from store bought plums about 3 or 4 years ago. I know they don't breed true to their parent so I'm kinda curious what kind of fruit they will turn out...
I know how you feel. I just got back from shopping - I was looking for two, maybe three specific varieties of basil and came home with eight.

I also discovered my local Tractor Supply has chicks in, but either they sold out everything but guineas or never got anything else in (I didn’t ask). Those of you looking to expand your flocks this year have my sympathy, I would not be wanting to navigate the chick frenzy this year.

Speaking of, for those of you who transported cattle panels before, how big of a truck did you use? I want a few for trellises this year but I’m going to need to rent a truck to get them home. If it matters, since they’re going to be trellises anyway they don’t need to be kept perfectly flat. I tried emailing Tractor Supply about it already and never heard back. I was going to ask went I went looking for seeds but the only people working were busy on the register. 😕
I have used a 6x8 trailer or a 5x8 bed. You put them in and then push to make them an arch and secure the crap out of them with straps and then you have to be VERY careful when you UN-do the straps. But it was really no big deal.
I know how you feel. I just got back from shopping - I was looking for two, maybe three specific varieties of basil and came home with eight.

I also discovered my local Tractor Supply has chicks in, but either they sold out everything but guineas or never got anything else in (I didn’t ask). Those of you looking to expand your flocks this year have my sympathy, I would not be wanting to navigate the chick frenzy this year.

Speaking of, for those of you who transported cattle panels before, how big of a truck did you use? I want a few for trellises this year but I’m going to need to rent a truck to get them home. If it matters, since they’re going to be trellises anyway they don’t need to be kept perfectly flat. I tried emailing Tractor Supply about it already and never heard back. I was going to ask went I went looking for seeds but the only people working were busy on the register. 😕
I finally got my chicks after 4 separate trips to town for them. They dont put them on the floor til 10:00. I was there at 9:30 and each time they sold out before I got mine. This last time I was at the door when they opened, 7:30 and joy of all joys, I got my babies.

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