What did you do with your flock today?

Rode up to drop feed and clean my coop along with picking up pretty eggs.
Chickens are well. Kitties are well. I'm hot.

More dragon fruit blooms. Last blooms dropped because no pollinators. This morning I saw bees but I'm going to do the late night pollinating from here on out. I may not get to enjoy dragon fruit this year. Grrr. Gotta love these blooms though.

Having a bumper year on Papaya again from our 6 year old plant? IDK, it's old and fabulous. Just harvested a handful of Star Fruit this morning. A favorite on hot days. Looking forward to more and I'm sure chooks will enjoy along with papaya skins.
After repainting and recaging the kitty coop condo, DH and I (mostly DH) jumped into enclosing the overhang to have a sort of kitty vapor lock. Slow down the escapees while i feed and clean. You know the types...
they end up in kitty jail.
So, I absolutely love it because it works great.

4 more of my babies flew to Seattle ♡ and I was able to find this lost kittys person with my chip reader.
I had been receiving multiple calls on her from my Forest Kitty fliers. It took me about 2 months of feeding to friend her, read her chip, no response from person so I took her home after awhile. Then I did a follow through with her person who obviously had never been contacted. He came immediately to pick her up. Happy ending ♡
Also, a kitty I trapped a few months ago had her life saving surgery. Just a miracle she made it into the trap and through surgery. Miracle Minnie ♡ Love KCCP and all they do.

A few more bandits to go...

Well, 10 to be exact. Though may need to take on a few more kittens soon.

Marley, my 15 year old girl has slowed down and even quit eating for a few days. She seems close to leaving us.
Still no Forest Kitty. I'm still very sad and upset but I'm still out actively looking for him. It takes me 2 hours to feed all of my bait stations every eve - 18 stations so far... I call to him at the top of my lungs everywhere, every night. I don't know if he was trapped and removed, a common practice here 😡🤬😡🤬😡😡🤬🤬😡😡🤬😡 . I pray he makes his way home. My heart hurts more than ever.
Please keep him in your good thoughts 🙏

World's bestest kitty
Yesterday, the girls got crab gills to eat and some nasturtiums which had gotten those black aphids. That's one way to make a good use out of them.
Onyx is under the weather today. Just standing, sitting around today, and she is sleeping under the coop tonight. It's difficult to figure out what to do. She's a hard one to catch. Her feathers are almost completely grown in.
Rode up to drop feed and clean my coop along with picking up pretty eggs. View attachment 3916394Chickens are well. Kitties are well. I'm hot.

More dragon fruit blooms. Last blooms dropped because no pollinators. This morning I saw bees but I'm going to do the late night pollinating from here on out. I may not get to enjoy dragon fruit this year. Grrr. Gotta love these blooms though.View attachment 3916409View attachment 3916411
Having a bumper year on Papaya again from our 6 year old plant? IDK, it's old and fabulous. Just harvested a handful of Star Fruit this morning. A favorite on hot days. Looking forward to more and I'm sure chooks will enjoy along with papaya skins.
It really does look like paradise! I had no idea dragon fruit grew on a long stem like that. I suppose I imagined they grew as bushes. Or do they and yours are trained that way?
After repainting and recaging the kitty coop condo, DH and I (mostly DH) jumped into enclosing the overhang to have a sort of kitty vapor lock. Slow down the escapees while i feed and clean. You know the types... View attachment 3916433they end up in kitty jail. View attachment 3916438So, I absolutely love it because it works great.View attachment 3916446View attachment 3916447
4 more of my babies flew to Seattle ♡ and I was able to find this lost kittys person with my chip reader. View attachment 3916451I had been receiving multiple calls on her from my Forest Kitty fliers. It took me about 2 months of feeding to friend her, read her chip, no response from person so I took her home after awhile. Then I did a follow through with her person who obviously had never been contacted. He came immediately to pick her up. Happy ending ♡
Also, a kitty I trapped a few months ago had her life saving surgery. Just a miracle she made it into the trap and through surgery. Miracle Minnie ♡ Love KCCP and all they do.View attachment 3916452
A few more bandits to go...View attachment 3916453View attachment 3916454
Well, 10 to be exact. Though may need to take on a few more kittens soon.View attachment 3916457
Marley, my 15 year old girl has slowed down and even quit eating for a few days. She seems close to leaving us.
Still no Forest Kitty. I'm still very sad and upset but I'm still out actively looking for him. It takes me 2 hours to feed all of my bait stations every eve - 18 stations so far... I call to him at the top of my lungs everywhere, every night. I don't know if he was trapped and removed, a common practice here 😡🤬😡🤬😡😡🤬🤬😡😡🤬😡 . I pray he makes his way home. My heart hurts more than ever.
Please keep him in your good thoughts 🙏View attachment 3916467
World's bestest kittyView attachment 3916472
Beautiful kitties and a great addition to the condo!
My heart aches for you. I truly hope you find Forest soon. I'm sending huge hugs to you and I'll keep you, Forest and Marley in my thoughts ❤️
Yesterday, the girls got crab gills to eat and some nasturtiums which had gotten those black aphids. That's one way to make a good use out of them.
Onyx is under the weather today. Just standing, sitting around today, and she is sleeping under the coop tonight. It's difficult to figure out what to do. She's a hard one to catch. Her feathers are almost completely grown in.
Here's hoping Onyx picks up again soon 🤞❤️

My lot won't touch nasturtiums. Now, supposedly toxic sweet peas on the other hand...
Moved the babies into the "big bird cage". Decided they needed more room now that they are bigger. I was terribly cruel and did not move the stuffed chicken hanging in the baby cage, which I think they kept calling for. I wanted to give them a chance to explore the new area without so much clutter, and did not know they still thought of the stuffed chicken as part of the flock.
Beautiful kitties and a great addition to the condo!
My heart aches for you. I truly hope you find Forest soon. I'm sending huge hugs to you and I'll keep you, Forest and Marley in my thoughts ❤️
Thank you ♡ we appreciate it. I'm sure Marley will let me know when it is time. I am on the ready. Right now she has gone back to broth and kitty snacks. What ever it takes. She has lost a lot of weight gradually - she was pretty chunky - and now, the last month, rather quickly.

Forest feels like extracting a needle out of a haystack. I am beyond sick with worry, so into as much action as I can figure out and have the energy for. Just wish I had a crystal ball and a magic wand 🎩🔮🪄

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