Yes, they come in such a wide range of colors!!Not Huskies but Yakutian Laikas are beautiful!
Then there is Alaskan Malamute
Klee Klai and Chinooks similar to huskies in their own way.
For different breeds of huskies i knoe there is siberian, Alaskan then different colors white agouti, and seppala(different bloodline)
Raven was a sweetie pie (and, iirc, a granddaughter of Kirov and/or Fiona). Her brother Cruise looked just like her and was just as sweet. I don't know what that coloration would be called but they were striking

Seppalas and huskies in general are amazing, I wouldn't mind having one someday if I could. I pretty much grew up around them so I know exactly how much work they are and all the kinds of trouble they get into