Which chicken breed makes a good indoor bedroom pet?



Mar 11, 2023
I’m looking for a breed of chicken that doesn’t poop a lot and will stay on my lap for a long time. Would buff orpingtons be a good candidate? This will be an indoor pet.


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All breeds of chickens poop, and any breed could want to stay on your lap. No chicken should really be kept as a lone pet, or indoors, because they need to have a flock, and keeping them indoors alone is really not the best life for a chicken. If a pet bird is what you're looking for, there are many better options- budgies are one, and I know a few people who have them that could tell you about them and their required care!
All breeds of chickens poop, and any breed could want to stay on your lap. No chicken should really be kept as a lone pet, or indoors, because they need to have a flock, and keeping them indoors alone is really not the best life for a chicken. If a pet bird is what you're looking for, there are many better options- budgies are one, and I know a few people who have them that could tell you about them and their required care!
X2 on everything, except a budgie is very unlikely to sit on your lap and cuddle.

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