I do actually have a (4 year old) brown Chinese goose who has never laid an egg to my knowledge. I have often thought it was because she wasn’t the “favorite” of the gander.

I have had a few different ganders over the years, hoping she would fall in love with one some day. So far not. But I have seen her mating with two different ganders in the past. When his mate was brooding a nest and he was lonely I guess.

I would be curious to know if anybody else has ever had a goose never lay, and how they’re situation turned out.
As far as the broody question, I believe Chinese geese make great broody mothers. From my understanding, they don’t do too well as one-year olds, but the next year they improve.

My only experience so far is with a one-year old who brooded her clutch up until the point of hatching, and then pulled all the eggs out of her “house” and sat on them in the rain. The first gosling out got crushed or chilled, I don’t know which. But she seemed to abandon the eggs after that so I put them in my incubator and was able to hatch out 3.

In the meantime, the broody mother was frantic, so I bought her some ducklings. She (well she, her gander and the non-laying goose) raised the ducklings very well. Barring a few incidents where some got killed.

So I have yet to have a successful hatch under a broody goose, but they have successfully raised foster ducklings and goslings for me. If one of my current two layers offers to go broody this year, I intend to let her try.
Hello! I am wondering why my 2 year old white Chinese goose has never laid an egg.

I have 2 geese and 1 gander, they are all the same age and I am absolutely positive of their sex.

One of the geese started laying when she was 7 months old (January 2022) and started laying again this season on March 15th. She has laid very consistently since then. The other goose has never laid.

Everything I've read led me to believe 1 gander to 2 geese was a good ratio. Is it possible she needs a gander of her own? However, even if he wasn't mating with her, shouldn't she just lay the (unfertilized) eggs anyway?

I am lost! I'd appreciate any insight or advice.

How old is she?
I have one Chinese goose and one Chinese gander. My goose will lay 1 egg every other day or so, not yet regularly. I'm hoping the frequency will become more regular in the early spring. My geese are the same age and I got them in the spring of '23 when the local farm supply store was having chick days. Thought I picked up two female Pekin ducks. Whoops! Wasn't my fault. The store had goslings in their cage with ducklings; the cage tag said Pekin ducklings straight run!
Hello! I am wondering why my 2 year old white Chinese goose has never laid an egg.

I have 2 geese and 1 gander, they are all the same age and I am absolutely positive of their sex.

One of the geese started laying when she was 7 months old (January 2022) and started laying again this season on March 15th. She has laid very consistently since then. The other goose has never laid.

Everything I've read led me to believe 1 gander to 2 geese was a good ratio. Is it possible she needs a gander of her own? However, even if he wasn't mating with her, shouldn't she just lay the (unfertilized) eggs anyway?

I am lost! I'd appreciate any insight or advice.

I know this is old, but I’m having g a similar experience. I had 2 geese and one gander. Both geese were laying. One of the geese was killed by a hawk. The remaining goose was laying after for a while. She injured her eye last April (2023). I treated her eye and she is as good as new, but she hasn’t layed since. I see them breeding so she should be laying. I was hoping for some babies this year. They are both very aggressive right now too.

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