Why is on Creme Legbar so small & is this Olive Egger a Pullet ??


Free Ranging
15 Years
Jun 7, 2009
Brightwood, OR
My Coop
My Coop
These 3 should be 6 weeks. They should be pullets = 2 Creme Legbar, 1 Olive Egger. But... first question... Does #1 look like a Pullet or Cockeral? And second question.... Look a the size difference between #2 and #3 ??? I don't understand. What explains this? Not really the same age or_______ ? Sincerely appreciate any feedback I can get. 🙏:confused:
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Pullet. Are you saying that #1 is an olive egger? It looks like a barred rock to me.
THANKS!! Yes, #1 is SUPPOSED to be Olive Egger..... I've been wondering too if maybe she's a BR. She looks and acts just like I remember my BR at this age. But I dont have a reference for how OE's look, I've never had one. Sure would explain her being bigger than the CLB's but that's a segway into the other mystery - why one is so much smaller. I'm guessing runt at this point...
THANKS!! Yes, #1 is SUPPOSED to be Olive Egger..... I've been wondering too if maybe she's a BR. She looks and acts just like I remember my BR at this age. But I dont have a reference for how OE's look, I've never had one. Sure would explain her being bigger than the CLB's but that's a segway into the other mystery - why one is so much smaller. I'm guessing runt at this point...
Pullet. Are you saying that #1 is an olive egger? It looks like a barred rock to me.
Have you heard of a Barred Olive Egger? Just finding this on another forum.....

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