Worms in chicken poop...

I’m on the last day (day 5) of treating my chickens with Safeguard liquid 10% dewormer. I want to treat my adult European pig as well since the chickens eat her poo. I’m terribly confused about the dosage. I looked it up online and it looks like she’ll need 3.4ml (she’s about 125lbs) 1 time?! Why does she only need a little more than triple the dosage 1 time and my chickens need 1ml for 5 days in a row? I’m very confused. Can anyone help? Thanks so much!
After treatment with Valbazen for my flock, should I treat my coop? Would DE sprinkled about or Valbazen sprayed everywhere be beneficial for this stage of ridding my girls of the worms for good?
After treatment with Valbazen for my flock, should I treat my coop? Would DE sprinkled about or Valbazen sprayed everywhere be beneficial for this stage of ridding my girls of the worms for good?
DE wont do anything, and do not spray Valbazen anywhere.
Consider a routine worming regimen which will depend on your soil conditions. Warm, moist or wet soil will require frequent wormings, dry desert like soil/sand or cold mountainous/rocky soil will require less frequent worming.

I worm my birds monthly due to our warm wet soil most of the year. Birds that are penned on the same soil will require frequent wormings as well.
DE wont do anything, and do not spray Valbazen anywhere.
Consider a routine worming regimen which will depend on your soil conditions. Warm, moist or wet soil will require frequent wormings, dry desert like soil/sand or cold mountainous/rocky soil will require less frequent worming.

I worm my birds monthly due to our warm wet soil most of the year. Birds that are penned on the same soil will require frequent wormings as well.
Thank you very much for your direction and support! I will start a regimen of monthly deworming. Should I be concerned about having worms from eating the eggs?
No, you wont get worms from eating the eggs. We eat eggs before and after worming. I use Valbazen as well. As a matter of fact, I'm worming my birds Friday morning, it's that time. :)

Humans cant get chicken worms, they are host specific. Humans get other types of worms.
The only worm I can think of that could possibly infect a human by a chicken would be hookworms. It's very rare that chickens get hookworms. Just dont go barefooted in your yard, wear shoes. Dont worry though, Valbazen gets rid of all types of roundworms including hookworms.
I know you have already made a choice, & some may disagree with this option. However, do some research on diatomaceous earth, or more commonly known as D earth. I recommend it, & my two daughters & myself have used it personally. It has multiple benefits & will not affect you being able to consume anything from your birds. It can be sprinkled in their food or if you have a grit box just add it to that or in the crushed oyster shells. You will find a lot of variations of this & some is labeled as food grade. Don’t be fooled by this. It’s all the same thing, bagged & prepared in the same manner. I purchased some from a local feed & seed store. It was, I believe a 40 lb. bag for about $25 & it will keep & last forever. 👍
False information. There are 2 types of DE, food grade and pool/garden grade. It will NOT in any form ,given in any way,be effective for preventing or treating worms. Pool /garden grade can cause serious lung issues.

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