Worst chicken breed

I don't like red or black sex links. Mean birds who bullied everyone in the flock and I had to dispatch them. I wasn't a fan of my light brahma either. She wasn't a good layer and bullied others, too. She wore pinless peepers for over a year, to prevent her from pecking others. Her feet were always dirty, I won't get another feather footed bird again
I made a list of good egg layers that bare confinement well and eliminated any that have feathered legs or aren't cold hardy because we get a lot of rain and snow in the winter (with temps below zero)
Its important to pick birds that do well in your climate and serve you well. I don't raise dual purpose or meat birds.I raise them for eggs
I actually love silkies. especially the largefowl Chinese silkies. I just can't deal with the naked neck with them for some reason. I love naked necks and I love silkies but the mix just is horrible except for with the buff ones
I think those are cutešŸ¤£
I have a couple Dominique's,a barred rock ,a sl wyandotte,a sapphire gem and a couple Australorps and all of them are nice hens and good layers except the Wyandotte. (She's a rescue)Last year I added 2 welsummers and 9 brown leghorn chicks.The leghorns would take flight every time I entered the run so I had to tip toe and move in slow motion to keep them from getting excited. They were the most active and healthiest most carefree chicks I've ever raised but none of my brown layers liked them (except the black australorps)After I re-homed 4 of the leghorns peace was restored to my flock.Never again will I get this many.The brown leghorn are more tolerable in smaller numbers.Their flightiness puts other chickens on edge
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Thatā€™s sad. I guess I can say the same though, I was very disappointed when my silkie pullet started crowingšŸ¤£
Thatā€™s funny because thatā€™s exactly what happened with ours. The little girl just started crowing one day šŸ˜‚ poor Caroline never got a boy name, he was just Caroline the rooster until he died, which was probably because of a heart attack, he was very anxious. He was also pretty ugly, as you can see in the picture, his feathers were like that when we got him ( I donā€™t think the owner cared too much about him)

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