Wrath's Marans

I don't cull the whites, my daughter thinks they are cool and out of my whole program whites are the only APA sanctioned color, really, so I keep the ones that I think look nice, shape wise.
What do you do with them? Do you keep them separate or all together with the BBS Silvers? Have you mated any of the whites to together?

So little knowledge here so sorry for all questions, just curious what they would produce having a white line?

White x White = White? But could be carrying blue or black would look like something I don't know?

Truly appreciate your knowledge here. Want to get it right. 👍
They are recessive white, so crossing with the black silvers doesn't cause as many problems as you might think. The biggest risk is not knowing the pattern going on under the white, but just be sure his other attributes match your program. I discovered the recessive whites sprung from the blue silver group, from when Greenfire carried blue birchen/silver marans.
They are recessive white, so crossing with the black silvers doesn't cause as many problems as you might think. The biggest risk is not knowing the pattern going on under the white, but just be sure his other attributes match your program. I discovered the recessive whites sprung from the blue silver group, from when Greenfire carried blue birchen/silver marans.
I'm sure I'm over thinking this too much. I'm taking the notes now and remembering all we talked about.
Personality wise he's a little standoffish still but he's warming up now that the little Black Silver girl is super friendly. It's possible I spoil them 2 just a bit more because Raven broke so early on. When I put my hand down she'll come and jump right in it. 🙂
I'm sure I'm over thinking this too much. I'm taking the notes now and remembering all we talked about.
Personality wise he's a little standoffish still but he's warming up now that the little Black Silver girl is super friendly. It's possible I spoil them 2 just a bit more because Raven broke so early on. When I put my hand down she'll come and jump right in it. 🙂
personality is one of the things I always breed for. Since I don't make a habit of handling them a lot until they pique my interest, they usually don't get aggressive with me. Any that catch my attention in that way, especially with my 3 kids, end up on the dinner plate, unless their good looks really warrant my good graces. I want my boys to mind their business and their ladies. It is definitely a trait I look for. Hopefully he does this for you, too.
They are recessive white, so crossing with the black silvers doesn't cause as many problems as you might think.
Does this breeding result in less copper showing in the rooster's wing bows?

Curious if you have bred white to white?

I suppose it would be hard to predict the outcome for each white x white breeding? All depending on what is hiding underneath in each individual bird?

I've never dealt with recessive white. Can ya tell??
Enablers I tell ya!! Your all enablers!!..🙂

Like I previously said, wifey has taken a shine to him so we'll see. If I could use him for paint OEs that's a plus.

But I don't want white in the BBS Silver flock. Got to follow Bantambirds standards here.
Well if the wifey likes him, then that's the end of the convo... if you can't butcher birds cuz she's not on board, then you definitely can't gret rid of that handsome young man😉❤️
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