Wrath's Marans

Here's a quick blurry shot I got of all 6 BCMs while Poppy wasn't in there. All 6 are 19 wks from 2 separate hens (2 from Momma and 4 from Raven)

Edited to add... Yellow band is on the far right (blurred head) just to show the others.

And here's where Poppy was. Roosting on the door of the ducks coop.
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Are you going to sell them or eat them?
I sell them for someone else to eat. (I have a guy)
The wife won't let me butcher them, I really had to fight her to let me sell to butcher, but she understands it's near impossible to re home all the boys I've been hatching.
I get 20/ cockerel and after I text him he comes the next day.
He looks fantastic! Really glad to see Kong still having good handsome boys!

Debating on working this next spring on getting some darker egg colors into my flock for next generation. Do you have any suggestions on best places or is it just a random draw of luck lol.
Thanks... That second guy (yellow/orange) Is a keeper. I'm pretty excited to get him in a breed coop.
I'll post the review as soon as my phone charges up and I'll pm you some solid leads I have also.

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