Wrath's Marans

Is Kong being bred to these ladies this season or just looking after them while his sons mature?
The plan is keep the 2 boys separated til needed, Kongs maturity shines here and he takes good care of the girls until I retire him with a few hens in the future. I think yellow/orange will be his replacement, he's still looking nice. White/green's tail has got a little high. I need to get pics of them both.
I've got a few test matings I want to do with him still. Rebel I haven't hatched from yet. Jett hatched 2 but neither survived. And hatch more from Raven and Momma which are Dams to the 2 boys. Not sure if I should back cross any daughters to him. Or maybe I should start focusing on test matings the boys now.
Once I get breed pens set up for the 2 boys, I'll be looking to move some of the pullets in and out for breeding.
I need to get pics of the pullets to select thru them for breeders. I'll need some advice with this.
Another nice day here. Not as warm and a little wind but sun shiny. It's pretty hard to get all 19 in a shot together and Jett is isolated with a foot injury (my fault).
I think I counted 13 here with Kong.
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Kong said that if I didn't make him move he wouldn't eat my extension cord, so I had to step over him a few times going in and out of the barn.🙂
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Very nice ladies and gentleman, as usual!
Had a gentlemen message me the other day for BCM eggs, but had to tell him I'm backed up 2 weeks but he wanted to set sooner.
So we get to talking and he's got 12 or 13 multigen OE's, 9 lay Olives. Sent me pics and some are blues. So now we're talking about doing an egg swap around April.
That's what I'm talking about!

I think his have Legbar mixed. Pics he sent some have crests.
Nice! The ones I have hatching next week stem from ameraucanas, Marans, isbars, and welsummers. The hens are all F2-F5 and back crossed to either a Marans or welsummer roo (she has both in that pen). It's going to be an exciting year for a bunch of us!
Nice! The ones I have hatching next week stem from ameraucanas, Marans, isbars, and welsummers. The hens are all F2-F5 and back crossed to either a Marans or welsummer roo (she has both in that pen). It's going to be an exciting year for a bunch of us!
From the looks of those eggs, she's got it down to a science. There gorgeous. ♥️

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