A few of m new chickens stink and I think have colds?

First, take a breather and let's look at this calmly.

Your birds will more than likely survive. They will remain carriers and will infect any birds that you bring in in the future. In times of stress, some will become symptomatic again. I don't know how Coryza works but, some illnesses become resistant to the drug used to treat initially and you would need to find another antibiotic to use. You would be able to eat the eggs as long as they weren't being treated with antibiotics. Most antibiotics have a withdrawal period of 21 days from last dose.

Some will tell you to kill all of them, sanitize and start fresh. If you aren't looking to sell or show birds and just want them for your own pleasure and eggs then, I would treat. If you had quarantined the new birds then, I would say to take them back to the breeder and allow him to do the dirty work. Unfortunately, that isn't an option any longer. I would call and inform him, though. He probably already knows it and will tell you it's nothing a good dose of antibiotics won't cure. Be prepared to hear something along these lines.
they are only for me and my family, My older girls came from the feed store and these young girls came from him.. grr I'm so upset. My older girls hate the small ones, but they have been locked up with them for 2 going on 3 weeks from 10pm to 6am, then they are all free. I was reading on it and I don't know were to start, even with the antibiotic...ewww someone is getting an ear lashing!!!
I am so sorry this is happening to you. Give Dawg53 a shout. PM him for suggestions if you are too mindboggled to think. He will probably suggest you cull everyone. He will also give you the best advice on how to treat. He is very knowledgeable and I would follow his treatment plan. This may be the way to go. You can write a PM and wait for the answer to come to you. It is so very stressful when faced with these kinds of problems.
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Most backyard chicken owners do not understand chicken diseases. They treat them like you would a human illness. Once symptoms are gone, they think that their birds are cured. They see nothing wrong with then selling those birds to others. Again, I'm sorry this is happening to you. In my case, the disease I'm battling is Marek's.
thanks so much.. I am so stressed now. And what is cull? See, maybe I am just a really bad chicken owner. I THOUGHT I WAS DOING GOOD.. BUT NOW I'm second guessing myself. My one mama chicken.. that's her name.. she is sitting on her eggs and its her first hatch... I reeeeally don't know what to do now. They are suppose to hatch on the 5Th!

People use cull for euthanize. It is a term that I don't use but that most people on here recognize. Sorry.

Can you bring your broody mommy in? Away from the others? You need to protect those babies if at all possible.

You are a good chicken mommy..we all make mistakes. You just trusted someone that didn't deserve your trust. Don't beat yourself up over it. Learn from it and move on....this forum wouldn't exist if we all knew everything and didn't make mistakes :)

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