A few of m new chickens stink and I think have colds?

I am so sorry this is happening to you. Give Dawg53 a shout. PM him for suggestions if you are too mindboggled to think. He will probably suggest you cull everyone. He will also give you the best advice on how to treat. He is very knowledgeable and I would follow his treatment plan. This may be the way to go. You can write a PM and wait for the answer to come to you. It is so very stressful when faced with these kinds of problems.
I agree that it's Infectious Coryza, the foul odor is a dead giveaway. Here's a link to poultry diseases, scroll down and read about Infectious Coryza. There are treatments for the infected birds such as sulmet in conjunction with tylan 50 injectable. Recovered birds will remain carriers and will spread the disease as mentioned. I recommend that you cull unless you're prepared to spend $$$ treating them forever with medications never being able to eat the eggs due to withdrawal periods. Also you'll have to practice strict biosecurity measures.
I'M NOT JOKING WHEN I SAY I'M IN TEARS RIGHT NOW!!! I really don't want to kill them all, I love them.. I know that sounds stupid! But its true, maybe i can get rid of all the small girls and keep my older girls? I'm so sick to my stomach right now.. I wonder if its even hit my older girls since they don't hang around with them?.. how do I PM someone on here?
Not only will I be killing all my girls that I have raised from babies and are right about to lay there first eggs, other than mama chick who has been in the coop for the past few weeks, I'm gonna have to start all over again. I'm so sickened right now. Ive put so much time and money into this and being a newly single FULL time parent. I don't know what to do. They were a source of food..(EGGS that is).. and I don't care if we had to eat them everyday we were going to cause it was free!!. Now I have to start allll over again and this just sucks. I'm sure the A hole ex will be happy to cull. I'm so ****** off right now.
If you hover your mouse pointer above their name a little drop down menu appears and the option is in there. Your big girls have been exposed if they're been locked in the coop together at night for two weeks. Really sorry :hugs
If you have decided to cull your birds, you might want to look up some different ways to do it. There are some more gentle ways. If you do start over you must be sure to disinfect everything your chickens have come in contact with first.
ya, 6 acres of cleaning, I don't even know what to do. I just talked to the guy who sold them to me, keeps saying he has free range birds and 100s of them and they are all fine. Told me that she just has a cold. But he did say he will come take a look at her for me. I don't know what to do.
They may still be carriers. If it makes you feel better, you could separate out the obviously sick girls and then have your not obviously sick girls tested for the disease before you cull them - but that will probably cost you if you take them to a vet to do it.
I would take the chickens you got from the farm back to him and let him cull them. I would dissenfect with Oxine like crazy the coop the run fine mist above the chickens so they breath it in three times a day. And hope and pray no one else comes down with it, but expect the worse. Let them have no further contact. Be sure to dissenfect waterers and feeders. Sorry your dealing with this.

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