If a dog kills once, will he do it again?

buckaroo's wife

10 Years
Dec 10, 2009
North Central Texas
Came home last night to find one dead chicken in the coop. Found her head and one wing, and that was it - I suspected dog (we have three....but I didn't suspect one of mine!) My husband and I crossed paths while doing evening chores and he is the one who let the dogs out of their run - he mentioned later that our BC was already out when he went to let them out. Sure enough, the dog's face is covered in scratches and peck marks.
I don't understand this as he's ALWAYS been fine around them (we've had the chickens for 8 months)....what gives? And now that he's done this one, will he do it again?? He's an escape artist, and hard to contain. Usually just gets out and go to lay on the backporch....but I DO NOT want to lose another chicken.
It's really hard to stop a dog chasing and killing chickens once they have started. I don't think they really mean to kill them, but it is just so darned fun and exciting for them--especially border collies. We have to keep our dogs and chickens well apart for that very reason. There are probably many ideas you could try to stop this, but in my experience the only way to truly protect your chickens is to keep your dogs kenneled unless you are there to supervise. Wish I had better news.
Thanks Henjoy. I'd assumed we'd have to kennel him from now on. If you have BCs, you know their energy levels. Looks like only supervised playtime for him from now on!

Gallo - that's an interesting question and not one that I'd thought of. If that was the case, what predator would take the body and leave the head behind? It was pretty graphic in there
Yes. Over and over again. When we first got chickens, we had a Swiss Mountain Cur. He killed and ate them. We did all the old timer tricks to try and 'break' him. Long story short, he killed and ate 5 in two weeks. Beaks feathers feet and all. He died 6 weeks later. He died from eating them. He was hanging out in the kitchen with me helping me cook dogs treats the day he died. He had a wonderful life. Just a born killer. Killed a deer once too. I miss him.
buckaroo's wife :

Gallo - that's an interesting question and not one that I'd thought of. If that was the case, what predator would take the body and leave the head behind? It was pretty graphic in there

I don't know. I admit, it doesn't sound like what typical predators do (raccoons, opossums, weasels etc.). However, you don't often read about dogs eating them either, they usually maul and are done. Were there piles of feathers around the head as if it had been plucked? How did the killer gain access to the coop? I hope it wasn't your dog (although he is the main suspect).
Gallo - I don't know that he necessarily ate her body - I just couldn't find it. And yes, there were tons of feathers in there...My chickens free range, and I think she must've been in the coop laying an egg and he squeezed in. That's the only thing I can think of...???

BDG - A BC is a Border Collie.
I think every dog is different, and getting answers about other dogs might not apply to yours. My dog killed one of my chickens about 3 months ago...or at least I'm pretty sure it was my dog. We've had her about 6 months now, and she's only killed one who flew over the fence. I honestly don't think she did it on purpose, I think she was playing and got too rough. There were feathers everywhere but the bird was still in one piece, not eaten. I only have a 4 ft fence and several of my chickens can get over it, but she's never harmed any others, before or after that one incident. I take her in the chicken yard with me often when feeding and collecting eggs, and she never bothers them. When she was very young, several of the chickens were in a flighty mood one day and she started to chase them, but I yelled at her and she settled down. I haven't seen her do that again.
buckaroo's wife :

Gallo - I don't know that he necessarily ate her body - I just couldn't find it. And yes, there were tons of feathers in there...My chickens free range, and I think she must've been in the coop laying an egg and he squeezed in. That's the only thing I can think of...???

BDG - A BC is a Border Collie.

Oh! Border collie...just couldn't figure it out, thanks! I agree that it is probably the pup encouraging the behavior. When we first got chickens all three of our dogs and all 4 of my neighbor's dogs broke into my coop and pulled our only hen out and dismembered her. We know they were all involved because I walked outside to find them all pulling on different parts of the chicken's body. Even the neighbor's "ChiWeeni" was part of the action. I threw myself into the midst of the dogs just a'swinging...maybe not the most appropriate method, but boy did they scatter! The largest dog in the bunch, our bulldog, was probably the ring leader...later that night I awoke to her barking and found her trapped IN the newly repaired coop. She had gotten in and our rooster, and only remaining bird at the time, had evidently taught her a lesson because he was fine but she was petrified and couldn't get back out. After we released her and scolded her thoroughly she has not bothered the chickens again. At the time we were new to coops and had problems predator proofing ours. The very next day our old mongrel got in and had the rooster by the tail when we caught her...she was punished and now runs when she sees them. The only problem we have now is my neighbor's dogs...but we have gotten so stern with them that they basically do not come in our yard anymore. Also I moved up to chain link fencing for the run and all is fine...for now.

My advice: sharp reprimands now and if it doesn't work and there is no other solution, either rehome the birds or dogs.​

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