If a dog kills once, will he do it again?

Agreed. I second this sad notion. Both of our dogs are wonderful to humans that they love (strangers not so much...). I was in the kitchen at our old house doing something and the garage door didn't latch. My newly hatched chicks were on the other side of the door. Casey snuck in and I walked in just in time to see her snatch up the cutest one that my daughter fell in love with (they were only a few days old).

It only took a second and she let it go after she grabbed it, but sadly, we had to put it down. I will never allow our dogs to be around any small animals ever again. Terrier breeds (which Casey is 1/2 lab and 1/2 bull terrier mix,) are supposedly the worst with prey animals. Cocoa is a 1/2 Lab and 1/2 Plott Hound mix. Both dogs are fine with the cat and never have tried to harm a hair on his head (they are pals). I suspect it is only animals that smell like usual prey animals that are on "the list" for our dogs.

I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your bird.
oh geez, didn't realize the thread was so old! :-/
I am aware... I just thought anyone new to chickens in a similar situation may benefit from the suggestion🙏 apologies if commenting on an old post is not appropriate. I just joined as a member today. My comment you have quoted is my very first interaction in this forum that I have always greatly appreciated. Enjoy the rest of your day.
We don't all frown on bringing old threads back to life.
Contrary to what seems to be popular opinion, dogs will eat chickens, I've seen them do it. I won't gross you out with the details. You can also cure a chicken killer and if anyone wants to know how, please pm me. I taught basic dog obedience at a community college in NM for over 15 years and also gave private lessons, especially focusing on problem behavior including this very problem, with wonderful success. Mt two Shelties run with my chickens and allow them to free range all day. I have no worries that either dog would harm a chicken.
It does take training! Most/ all dogs will look on chickens as fun toys or dinner, unless trained. And some dogs, especially if they meet chickens as adults, will never be safe out there with them, especially if they aren't supervised.

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