If a dog kills once, will he do it again?

My Komondor killed 6 Polish Crested pullets when he was very young. He has never looked at another chicken in the past 10 plus years. I gave him a whooping and tied one of the dead birds around his neck and he sent the afternoon tied to a fence post alone. He stayed there until DH rescued him. I can say that he doesn't even look at chickens to this day. A BC should be able to be taught to not chase or kill chickens. It might not be easy, but I know it can be done.
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OK, the whole tying dead chickens to dogs has got to be the craziest thing I can imagine. All you need to do is yell at your dog, not perform some weird voodoo ceremony with the dog and poultry. Standard dog training techniques work if you use them and there’s many good instructional books available.

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These type of treads are so complicated. I have to stand true on its how you chose to train your dog. We got our Dog from. http://www.highhopeaussies.com/dogs.html he is gunner the 9th Picture down. This was one o there breeding dogs who lived a live in a kennel and never even saw a chicken his whole life. second day here Gunner (prettyboy) Killed quite a few chickens. Instead Of rehoming him or believing the posters I read I just worked with him firmly. Now days I dare anyone to come and try to touch Prettyboys chickens.Perhaps its the breed perhaps its the owner.

Perhaps its how much time and patience one has. I don't have the anwser to the question only the experience with my dogs.
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Gallo - I don't know that he necessarily ate her body - I just couldn't find it. And yes, there were tons of feathers in there...My chickens free range, and I think she must've been in the coop laying an egg and he squeezed in. That's the only thing I can think of...???

BDG - A BC is a Border Collie.
Gallo - I don't know that he necessarily ate her body - I just couldn't find it. And yes, there were tons of feathers in there...My chickens free range, and I think she must've been in the coop laying an egg and he squeezed in. That's the only thing I can think of...???

BDG - A BC is a Border Collie.
I'm thinking the BC had peck/scratch marks from the Rooster trying to protect his Hen. Is that a possibility?
I'm thinking the BC had peck/scratch marks from the Roster trying to protect his been. Is that a possibility?

This thread is from 2010!
I am aware... I just thought anyone new to chickens in a similar situation may benefit from the suggestion🙏 apologies if commenting on an old post is not appropriate. I just joined as a member today. My comment you have quoted is my very first interaction in this forum that I have always greatly appreciated. Enjoy the rest of your day.
It's really hard to stop a dog chasing and killing chickens once they have started. I don't think they really mean to kill them, but it is just so darned fun and exciting for them--especially border collies. We have to keep our dogs and chickens well apart for that very reason. There are probably many ideas you could try to stop this, but in my experience the only way to truly protect your chickens is to keep your dogs kenneled unless you are there to supervise. Wish I had better news.
Agreed. I second this sad notion. Both of our dogs are wonderful to humans that they love (strangers not so much...). I was in the kitchen at our old house doing something and the garage door didn't latch. My newly hatched chicks were on the other side of the door. Casey snuck in and I walked in just in time to see her snatch up the cutest one that my daughter fell in love with (they were only a few days old).

It only took a second and she let it go after she grabbed it, but sadly, we had to put it down. I will never allow our dogs to be around any small animals ever again. Terrier breeds (which Casey is 1/2 lab and 1/2 bull terrier mix,) are supposedly the worst with prey animals. Cocoa is a 1/2 Lab and 1/2 Plott Hound mix. Both dogs are fine with the cat and never have tried to harm a hair on his head (they are pals). I suspect it is only animals that smell like usual prey animals that are on "the list" for our dogs.

I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your bird.

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