Recent content by AmeraucanaChick

  1. AmeraucanaChick

    Ameraucana Chicks Coop

    I just picked up a new Ameraucana chick yesterday. It's an 8 week old pullet that I've named Penelope. Oh yeah, she's also special needs. She is blind in her right eye. I brought her home from my local small animal swap Saturday morning. I neglected to clip her left wing (as I do with all my...
  2. AmeraucanaChick

    DANG chicken math, or Keep me away from the feed store!

    Cute! I have a beautiful little light Brahma hen. They're heavy birds, so-so layers, but they're sweet! Roos will have a redder comb than the hens. My little pullet has a decent little comb on her, so don't necessarily just go by comb size.
  3. AmeraucanaChick

    Ameracauna? Easter Eggers?

    x2. Ameraucanas will have greenish legs. EEs can have any colored legs (so far as I know!).
  4. AmeraucanaChick


    He's probably not a Brahma. Brahmas have fuzzy feet. It looks to be a Delaware. I have one outside that looks about the same age. Looks like you have a rooster. Delaware hens even have large combs, but his looks to be really red- which at this age is how you tell if he/she is a rooster. They are...
  5. AmeraucanaChick

    Alrighty, have a looky please: What am I?

    He looks to be a barred cross. He is a pretty boy though!
  6. AmeraucanaChick

    Mystery chick, can you identify it ???

    It looks like a Black Copper Maran to me!
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