Recent content by DuckDodgers

  1. DuckDodgers

    The Duck Thread

    I am getting ready to add some more birds to my flock, I want to double check and make sure that 25 sqft per duck or run space is enough for them to live happily. Is that correct?
  2. DuckDodgers

    Mandarin Duck thread ( for posting pictures and discussing)

    Yes, my ducks pools always freeze during the winter. If the ice is not to thick I just break it up with a hammer and take the ice chunks out then refill it with some warmer water. Sometimes when it gets really cold if freezes the pool all the way through there isn't really anthing I can do, at...
  3. DuckDodgers

    keeping ferrets

    I have a chicken brooder outside that is 3ft W x 5ft L. Is this enough room to keep 2 ferrets in? Also where I live it stays in the 90s most of the summer and stays in the 30s in the winter, is that to cold and to hot from them? Any help is greatly appreciated, Porter
  4. DuckDodgers

    California Hatchery

    Thanks for the advice however
  5. DuckDodgers

    Aviary pics

    Very nice aviary! Do you have to drain and refill the pond very couple of weeks?
  6. DuckDodgers

    California Hatchery

    I have an outdoor heated brooder I raised 2 runners in last year that i would put the new babies in. I looked at metzer but they were out of stock until march I think
  7. DuckDodgers

    California Hatchery

    I am trying to get Welsh Harlequin Ducks for this fall. California Hatchery was the only place I could find that still had some left in stock. Has anyone done business with this company or spoken with anyone who has? I am trying to figure out how reputable they are. Any help or info would be...
  8. DuckDodgers

    The Duck Thread

    Would an owl be able to get both?
  9. DuckDodgers

    The Duck Thread

    It could have been but it was a little after dusk
  10. DuckDodgers

    The Duck Thread

    It's been raining here lately so it is muddy back there which is why I am confused about not seeing tracks
  11. DuckDodgers

    The Duck Thread

    When I went out to put my duck and chicken up earlier tonight they were gone. There are some feathers on the ground but no predator tracks or blood. I am very confused
  12. DuckDodgers

    Mandarin Duck thread ( for posting pictures and discussing)

    I have a video of my mandarins playing in their pool but can't figure out how to post it
  13. DuckDodgers

    Mandarin Duck thread ( for posting pictures and discussing)

    My mandarin already laid one clutch this year and is showing signs of possibly laying again. I have a raised box for her but when she laid the first time she used my ground box to incubate the eggs
  14. DuckDodgers

    Mandarin Duck thread ( for posting pictures and discussing)

    Mine are due to hatch this weekend!
  15. DuckDodgers

    The Duck Thread

    They are eggs my Mandarin hen has been sitting on for about 22 days, I believe they incubate for 28-30 days
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