Recent content by hennyandpenny

  1. hennyandpenny

    Things you never said until you had chickens.......

    i never had to say we needed to get some food out of a chickens mouth. i have a young chick who just ate all her food at once. finally found a use for shish-ka-bobs... taking food out of chickens mouths who cant eat it all at once.
  2. hennyandpenny

    Things you never said until you had chickens.......

    we ran out of eggs during a bake day and my mom sent me over to the hens... waited a half hour before i got an egg. i do run over to the coop when im short a couple eggs... wait a minute! i hardly sell my eggs so i have plenty.
  3. hennyandpenny

    Funniest Things A City Slicker Has Ever Said To You?

    lol. i already have my "third batch" chicks from tsc. adorable little... biggish cuties... have to have 3 bins for them... small banties, bantams, large fowl. sigh... might talk my folks into taking me to a swap meet... im hatching out some of my eggs but the result doesnt look good... i craked...
  4. hennyandpenny

    chicks dying. all coming from same plaace

    ive only lost 1 buff orp fom mcmurray. lost two brown leghorns in transit. the chicks that i am loosing are the ideal hatchery ones. i think its the cold. cause same lie you i purchased some chicks from tsc and they are doing fine. having a salmonella outbreack tied to the business must not be...
  5. hennyandpenny

    For all you butt fans....fluffy butts that is....

    i cant wait till my chicks start getting fluffier... though the silkies probly just stay the same fluffieness..
  6. hennyandpenny

    Funniest Things A City Slicker Has Ever Said To You?

    my school peeps asked me "why?" when i said i was getting in my second batch of chicks
  7. hennyandpenny

    Boys VS Girls

  8. hennyandpenny

    chicks dying. all coming from same plaace

    i read up on corridosis. they dont have blood in their droppings at all. they are five days old. if they where hatched and shipped tuesday. its like one a day. i really hope its not mareks.
  9. hennyandpenny

    chicks dying. all coming from same plaace

    i have an order coming in from murray mcmurray hatchery. already in route. cant change it :(. im purchaseing a doz. silkie eggs locally though im awful at hatching thought that might be the easier route. decided on that after i lost 3 of my 6 silkie. but its not just silkies the newest one is...
  10. hennyandpenny

    Boys VS Girls

  11. hennyandpenny

    chicks dying. all coming from same plaace

    i got them in friday. they where do wednesday-thurseday ish
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