Recent content by MissWiggles

  1. MissWiggles

    BYC Café

    Good Morning everybody. Been working way too much lately, and lots of cookies to make. Lucy has lost some of her baby teeth, and is getting bigger. She weighs 25 pounds now, and she looks so goofy with some big girl teeth and a bunch of baby teeth! She also is getting her grown up fur in...
  2. MissWiggles

    BYC Café

    Thought I would pop in for a minute and grab a cup to go. Have a pretty long list today. Lucy lost three baby teeth yesterday! And she is getting her big girl fur. She now weighs 22 pounds.
  3. MissWiggles

    BYC Café

    Good morning! WV, I'm with you, I will be needing and extra large, extra caffeine coffee today! I have work, and not enough sleep. The weather here can't seem to make up its mind, cold and snowy one minute, warm and sunny the next. Ahhhhh, spring in the UP! Lucy got her last shots on...
  4. MissWiggles

    BYC Café

    Good Morning everyone! Been busy baking more cookies. This week is shaping up to be rather crazy between work, meetings, a last minute cookie order, plus some other baking and Lucy has a vet appointment. It had been cold and rainy, or cold and snowy here. And windy! DH and his friend have...
  5. MissWiggles

    BYC Café

    Good morning. Twinkle toes has been deciding that 5:30 is the new wake up time at our house. I think I am perpetually tired. Cold and rainy again, but we should be seeing a warmup soon. The deer have all disappeared, not surprising. The turkeys have also seemed to have moved on. But...
  6. MissWiggles

    BYC Café

    We did get some snow early in the week, but it is long gone. The weather has been beautiful. DH and a friend will be hunting turkeys tomorrow, the dogs will have to stay in the house. How are you doing Phil? NFC what size is your new mixer? DH bought me a bigger one for Christmas, now I...
  7. MissWiggles

    BYC Café

    Good morning, heading off to work this morning, hoping for the best. Took Lucy into town yesterday, she now weighs 17.3 pounds! Have a great day everyone.
  8. MissWiggles

    BYC Café

    Beagles are so cute and smart! I love how they bark, which most people find annoying, I know. Lucy is doing pretty good with her training; sit, down, stand, wait (for food) and come are all good, come is subjective- if she's found something really interesting then she doesn't "hear" me. We...
  9. MissWiggles

    BYC Café

    I spoke too soon about the snow! Thankfully it didn't stick. Took the dogs for a walk and did some cleaning, that was about the sum total of my day yesterday. Definitely coming down with the crud. Hoping I won't have it as bad as DH! Margie, but baby chicks are so cute! This is why I...
  10. MissWiggles

    BYC Café

    Good Morning everyone. Thanks for the coffee! I'm going to need it, I think I am coming down with the illness that DH had. He still isn't better! Yuck, just yuck! Overcast and rainy here, but at least it's warm enough to for rain, not snow, so I'll take it! Debating what to do today. I...
  11. MissWiggles

    BYC Café

    Good morning everyone, sorry I've been MIA! Between work, meetings, cookies and Lucy, I've been pretty busy! Weather has turned warm, although we are getting rain today. The 4 inches of snow we got on Tuesday is finally gone. DH has been hit with something, don't know what, I just know I...
  12. MissWiggles

    BYC Café

    Gold morning, Lucy got everyone up at 5:30 this morning. I don't need to be up that early, but I can't go back to bed. I'll just have to load up on the coffee! Seems like it will be a nice day around here. Rained last night and it's on the warmer side. Now I just need more coffee and find...
  13. MissWiggles

    BYC Café

    I am! We are up, had our morning walk, ate breakfast, and now it is time for a shower and get the day started. And the sun is shining and it was sorta warm this morning. Well, I didn't need a jacket! Have a beautiful Sunday everyone.
  14. MissWiggles

    BYC Café

    Good morning. Been busy with work and cookie orders. The weather is finally turning nice and it appears mud season might be extra short this year! DH is hoping to burn some of the long grass in our first field today. Anything to cut down on the wood ticks. Lucy has been keeping me busy...
  15. MissWiggles

    BYC Café

    The ducklings are adorable! Back to work tomorrow. :(. And I start baking at the Bait shop next week. They are opening this weekend, which I am also making cookies for. Here is Lucy today, practicing in case the Easter Bunny needs a stand in. She weighed 12 pounds at the vets today. Then...
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